Acosta should sue for defamation.
What, no both sides debate? Maybe the Info wars video is legit and the live feed was doctored by George Soros. /s
Trailer park Leni Riefenstahl says what?
They can call her to testify but the White House will invoke executive privilege for every question other than “How are you today?”
You may remember them doing this over the phone in previous cases!
Here’s the original un-altered video for those who are interested.
I know what you mean, but I also hope the intern is OK.
Not because of anything Acosta did (not do) to her, but because she is being used.
She lies quite poorly, actually. If she were any good at it, who’d notice that it was a lie in real time?
Or audio:
Access Hollywood
Trailer park Leni Riefenstahl says what?
I’m pretty sure Leni Riefenstahl was tall and thin, just saying…
Well, there goes lunch…maybe I’ll be hungry again at dinner time.
good god, the fat stuffed into those striped shirts is blinding…
I like that smile !
They ate the dog after the photographer left.
No, I’m actually talking about my appetite. I was just about to go grab lunch. No reason to do that now.
The REAL evidence on @Acosta shows he’s guilty - from two different angles!
But - both sides do it!!!
This is waaaay too blatant a lie to not be challenged by every reporter in creation. Even Fox should drop this like a hot rock. The doctoring is amateurish
You don’t notice it, though, because the stripes are vertical. They have a slimming effect.
I guess Pious Sarah has no problem with the 8th commandment, you know the “bearing false witness”. So those who claim that the X Commandments should be written all over schools and public spaces, should look at Meretricius Sarah, for all we know they were all over the place when growing up.