Discussion: White House Spokesman Tears Into House GOP Over Confederate Flag

Obama rightfully was careful not to be easily portrayed as the angry black man.

I expect a similar tact from Hillary.

I wish it was such that they could be more forcefull earlier in their terms but understand that the reality is that they are/would be the president of all the U.S., not just their base.

This is a problem that affects republicans, I don’t want to see a democrat act that way just because I support them…


And also “Heritage”


This is progress.
Last week we were goin’ on about Catherine Bach sporting her Daisy Dukes.
This week we’re lambasting John Boehner channeling his best David Duke.



I love that movie, and that line was my favorite. Well, that and Bob Saget’s…

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Although I could see any repub saying that same line…

“Have you ever sucked D-ck for Koch?”

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Jebya’s “work longer hours” was pretty insulting to the working class.
And it didn’t get much national press, but Scott Walker’s pals in the Wisco lege just passed a budget that the poor and the struggling worker class will find pretty alienating–
–it requires drug tests to get state aid
–it gives employees a chance to opt out of a day of rest and work 7 days in a row (and we know how that really works, don’t we)


When Josh the Earnest delivers remarks, we are hearing President Obama’s words. There is virtually no adlibbing.


Did you miss the part of the comment byOmAhHum you replied to in which he wrote this. A much more forceful answer would have been appropriate…

he’s done almost nothing for We The People anyhow, so no wonder he decided to hide his entire presidency, and speak only lies. That he can handle. It’s his nature to lie like a rug because he is a born coward

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I had been ignoring Trump (and I can’t stand watching his interviews, so I don’t) because he’s not going to win the nomination, but now I’m thinking he can be the Republicans’ albatross.

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I chose not to engage on that point…

Anybody who writes that either believes it, or is looking for a reaction.

Neither are worth my time.


You’re right. Clearly he’s being provocative and was probably disappointed that he couldn’t reach a target. But I flagged him anyway. Everyone’s entitled to his own opinion but not to his own facts.


Trolls will be trolls –


So this week the Republicans have managed to alienate the LGBT community, the Latino community, the Black community, and it’s only Thursday.

WWSS they have always alienated all of these constituencies. This was the plan. The only difference is in 2015 it no longer helps them get elected in a national election.

Rinse Pribus was begging, oops, “urging”. him in an hour-long phone call to knock it off for fear of damaging the Rs brand. Is it wrong I’m smiling?



In terms of whose interests they primarily represent, I agree. But much of their political support also comes from white rural working class folks and seniors, as well as some 40 somethings who came of age during the Reagan years (think people like Alex P. Keaton from Family Ties).

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Fineman makes clear it’s old white men preaching to more old white men. Thanks for the link to RCP.

[“These are the same congressional Republicans who have declined to criticize the race-baiting rhetoric of a leading Republican presidential candidate. That’s to say nothing of the Senate Republican who has saluted that candidate,” he said, likely referring to comments made by Trump].

No, Caitlin, he was likely referring to comments made by Senator Cruz. Read what you wrote.


Their “outreach” list is the same as ever…because they don’t need one. Their legions of old. hateful racists can outvote everyone else. Don’t take it from me, just look at the majorities in both houses of Congress and the spate of Republican governors, not to mention domination of most state legislatures.

I don’t really care to hear all this “excused by Gerrymandering” stuff. First of all, who stayed home in 2010 and allowed THAT to happen?

Second, in statewide races in Georgia, Ben Jealous showed a graph of how Democrats could win…their consituencies simply had to show up at the polls and vote.

A friend told me that in the NC primaries this past summer, people 72 years old ALONE outvoted everyone aged 18-26.

We are in the midst of an era in which there has never been so much racial and ethnic diversity. The United Nations exists in the U.S.A. (at least away from TeaBagg land)

Problem is, these “diverse” folks are simply not as engaged in the political process (I am talking rank and file, not the mavens we see on the Tube).

The seven-day work week is confusing because I thought all Republicans believe the Ten Commandments are the basis of our Constitution and legal system.

Commandment No. 4: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.


You, sir, are as full of it as a two-hole outhouse.