Discussion: White House: No Exemptions From Steel, Aluminum Tariffs

very few … mainly through court challenge … this has good context —


This has a very detailed examination and summary from the Congressional Research Service …

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Trump will figure out a way to back off… but not until after the special Congressional election in western Penndylvania later this month.


While his rhetoric has been focused on China, the duties will also cover significant imports from Canada, Mexico, South Korea, Japan and the European Union.

Also? Also? What kind of fucking idiot would write that tripe? How about this, fuckwads?: Although his rhetoric has been focused on China, their steel comprises only 2-3% of our total steel imports, an amount that pales in significance compared to…


They’re both from steel states. They have to say something like this to stay in office. I blame AP for the completely Bullsh*t both-siderism where somehow Casey becomes a liberal.


The US has been frequently challenged in the WTO about our grain prices because of the significant taxpayer subsidies we give to agriculture. With Mexico already turning to Brazil for corn, retaliatory tariffs on corn, soybeans, etc, could quickly cause pain for our farmers.

On the other hand, Trump is threatening to pull ICE out of California - isn’t ICE responsible for enforcing tariffs?

My midwestern husband was talking about this today….and how all those Nebraskans and Iowans who voted for donnie will not be happy.

I have no idea, but wouldn’t that be an interesting twist!

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American businesses were perfectly profitable until Wall Street got their thumb into the pie. The way to reverse the trend would be to tax every organization on its unadjusted gross revenue. Make it impossible to offset profits with debt. Make it impossible to shelter profits overseas. Make it impossible to launder profits through foundations and charities.

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What if Congress said construction companies that were taking federal money had to use U.S. made steel and aluminum? A little boiler plate language in the contracts would be easy enough.

I hope Rump’s people at the Fed are at least smart enough to know the difference between inflation and price spikes caused by the resurrection of the 20’th century’s dumbest idea.

It is time to target our tariffs against our adversaries such as China. It also important to target countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE and Pakisatan, which finance wahabbi sunni jihadi terrorism, and Russia which conducts cyber terrorism, with tariffs.

Wilbur Ross is a fricking nut case. And he, apparently, has The Donald’s ear pretty much unimpeded in the current core-containment-failure state of the White House staff.

He’s enmeshed with the Russians. He has past financial interests specifically in steel – with the current state of opacity in the Trump maladminstration, who knows whether he still stands to benefit personally. He is way the hell outside the mainstream of economists when it comes to trade. He writes about economic competition with China in militaristic-jingoistic terms.

In other words, he’s part of the Trump administration. That makes all of the above redundant.

Oh, by the way:

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

The trade wars is a deflection away from the students .