Totally incompetent and unprepared. When asked this morning if the Made in America week would include Trump’s move to have his merchandise manufactured in USA rather than China et al, the WH spokesperson said they’d get back to us on that one. How is this level of head-shaking incompetence possible? Do they not even read the press releases before coming before reporters?
from what state?
Isn’t it California?
I actually don’t watch KUWTK on a regular basis, sad to say.
Will start running from California. Then switch to NY.
This is such BS. The Trumpsters and their nasty little surrogates will continue to throw crap at the wall to see what sticks. They COUNT on BS fatigue to win them the day. I am so damn tired of screwing our country so they can steal it blind while ‘nobody is looking’ I could spit.
There is but one “theme” for this administration: Corruption in High Places
Presumably this means we’ll make it through the week? And they can pay attention for that long?
Well, there’s that.
“Made in America Week” - Imported from Russia.
T®umpwear labels also thoughtfully translate their “Made in China” labels into Spanish. Our Hispanic friends deserve to know where their crummy knock-off clothing is made, too.
Lorne Michaels is going to be unemployed.
Qusay looks like something from outer space. And Uday isn’t much better. Shouldn’t they be holding up a murdered animal of some kind?
Not applicable to Donald & Family, Inc.
How long before Trump voters figure out they’ve been conned? A year? Maybe two? Never?
This week’s most important Jeopardy question: “I’ll take MASSIVE HYPOCRISY for five hundred, Art.”
This actually isn’t a bad idea for the WH. The press has shown they are desperate to be given a new squirrel to chase after, particularly one that they can pretend shows “normalcy”. They will eat this up with a spoon, and gladly change the discussion to accommodate the WH’s “theme weeks”.
“Well, yes, they committed treason, but c’mon, creating “real” American jobs is whats important. All this talk about her merchandise being made overseas…lets focus on the fact that SHE is American. And provides goods that American women are just lining up to own. How much more American can she get?? Quite frankly, I think he is being Presidential here, and has finally made the pivot”
Oh this sounds like some kind of moral boosting “feel good” exercise for a 36% approval rated WH… what a joke…
When is American Health Care week?
Whenever All Soul’s Day is.
Announcing a theme renders a theme 100% lame and pathetic.
It is akin to announcing “between 5:30 - 6:45 we will deploy ‘happiness’ and it will improve the workforce mood”.
"I’m on your side, " Elvis told Nixon. Then the singer asked if he could have a badge from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. (Ollie Atkins / Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum)