Discussion: White House Has Granted Ethics Waivers To 17 Staffers

Don’t know about Clinton, but the comparable number for Obama is 3. And he probably had made more appointments than #45 to the White House staff. The NYT article yesterday is informative for context:

"The number of waivers rose during the Obama administration because Mr. Obama imposed new ethics rules, such as a ban on hiring lobbyists, which could be avoided only with a waiver.

“With these broad restrictions in place for the first time, the Obama administration issued a relatively small number of waivers. Over Mr. Obama’s eight years in office, about 16 waivers were granted for White House officials and a total of about 70 across the entire federal government. Just three of those waivers for White House staff members came in the first four months of his administration.”


Thanks. I’m headed over to the NYTs now.

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Most. Corrupt. Administration. EVER!


I keep telling you all

In Trumpp’s Amerika

Swamp drains you!

@lastroth @keninmn @voreason @ralph_vonholst

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The entire Republican organization is a cesspool of corruption.


Yeah but this is way better than voting in that email lady


What good are ethics rules if people can be granted waivers? I thought this country was over the notion that if the president does it it’s legal. It’s not supposed to work this way.


“The White House has voluntarily released the ethics waivers as part of
the President’s commitment to the American people to be transparent,”
Walters said in a statement.

How special. The White House has voluntarily demonstrated the wool it’s pulling over the Public eye. Draining the swamp and displacing it with t*rds are distinctly different concepts.


What use could that woman possibly be to anyone? And please, if anyone can think of anything to answer that question, please keep it to yourself. There are some visions that i would most gratefully live without.

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Ethics, shmethics. To this White House, it’s all just so much covfefe.

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Otherwise known as the ‘Rat Bastard Clause’.

And gee, this does make one wonder about all those leaks, don’t it?

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This waiver would let adviser Steve Bannon communicate with his former employer, Breitbart News.

What in the holy f—? How is that remotely not state sponsored propaganda?

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So except for 17 people. we have the most ethical administration in history.

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Now, do these apply only to current clients, or do they get to keep recruiting and collecting from ‘new’ clients who want to influence the admin?

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