Discussion: White House Doubles Down On Omarosa's 'Lack Of Character'

I think that attacking the messenger makes no sense. Omarosa Manigault-Newman may be a flawed messenger like that buybull thumping sack of shit serial liar Sarah Hickabee-Sanders. However, it is clear that the central thesis in Ms. Manigault-Newman’s book Unhinged that the president is in the throes of cognitively disabling mental illness is obviously true. It appears that there is documentation that Lara Trump was trying to bribe Ms.Manigault-Newman with a six-figure amount. The Washington Post journalists have confirmed the veracity of the tapes and the documents that Manigault-Newman used in Unhinged. I have yet to see the message disputed.

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jersey is an unforgiving fabric - I never wear it


Hey, it was a Situation, to have to fire long time Trump/Apprentice Star Omarosa. Reality TV President, Reality TV Situations. I wonder where Rob Porter was told. I wonder where Little Steven Scaramucci was told. Where Scott Pruitt was told. Where Sean Spicer was given the bad news that Donald Trump was tired of seeing him parodied on SNL.

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One size up and it would probably be OK.

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Oh, believe me, Sarah knows all about that.

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Speaking of lack of character:


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There’s nothing quite like being damned with faint praise.

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Wait a minute here… (taps foot, hands on hips, points finger)… trump said many times he would hire only the “best” to work for the administration and now the White House in the form of Ma Hamhock is saying that one of the best has a “lack of character”??

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Easy, ya just strap 'em on the roof, like Mitt used to.

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Assume the response from Sanders is a lie and go from there.

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Donald Trump on Twitter:

“Wacky Omarosa already has a fully signed Non-Disclosure Agreement!”

Just keep digging…

How dare Sanders say those things about one of the Best People.

Sanders, get the eff out of the restaurant. There are decent people here trying to enjoy a meal. Go home, pull a box out of the freezer, and microwave your dinner.