Discussion: White House Accuses Mitch McConnell Of 'Inept Leadership'

Discussion for article #234345

Who could have foreseen that Mitch McConnell would act like a lying sociopath after becoming majority leader?


TPM Headline: White House Accuses Mitch McConnell Of 'Inept Leadership’

Really, that’s not so much an accusation as it is an accurate observation.



Who could have foreseen that Mitch McConnell would act like a lying sociopath after becoming majority leader?

Pretty much anyone who noticed he was a lying sociopath before he became Senate Majority Leader.


Uhmmm… anybody with half a brain?

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Mitch McConnell:

Well, it’s Josh’s party that’s blocking the bipartisan bill …

This is clearly some new definition of bipartisan that McConnell dreamed up.

Let me clue you in, Senator McConnell: When you add a provision the other party near unanimously blocks, you no longer have a bipartisan bill - instead, you have partisan clusterfuck.

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[quote] Mitch is an inept, lying, sociopathic "leader). [/quote] I know, I know. I’m being way too kind.

How about accusing him of NO leadership at the helm?

So, the Beltway MSM, then. Right.

The White House “questions” whether or not McConnell can be trusted?
Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle !! Haven’t they learned anything in six years ?

Yes…more please…say someone about his mama next!!! For the love of all that is holy…TAKE THE GLOVES OFF, BO!


“Well, it’s Josh’s party that’s blocking the bipartisan bill”

Gotta love how they can just blatantly ignore the facts like that. The bill is anything but bipartisan because the GOP/Teatrolls deliberately inserted partisan bullshit into it, which caused the Dems to recoil from supporting the bill. It is, BY DEFINITION, not bipartisan. And yet Chuckles just comes right out and calls it that while the MSM says nothing to the contrary…not even TPM…just regurgitates what he said in a mindless round of he-said-she-said.


To be fair, he (and the rest of them) promised that the tantrum would stop if we just gave them back their toy. It works with toddlers…apparently not GOPers/Teatrolls tho…which suggests to me they’ve regressed to some period prior to toddler-hood.


No one could’ve predicted Mitch would piss into the wind…

There you go, Josh.

Now. Every damn day.

But the word is ‘incompetent.’ Incompetent. Incompetent. Incompetent.

Could have posted this article anytime over the last 7 years and been as accurate as Annie Oakly

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Oooooooooooo, calling them inept. That will really teach Mitch to think twice about trying to force women into becoming sex slaves.

What the White House needs to do, is to tell the DoJ to do its job and arrest those wanting to force women into becoming incubators.

Restricting women’s civil rights when it comes to women’s reproductive freedoms are the definitions of human trafficking and sex crimes.