Discussion: What's Up With Cavuto? Fox Host Hammers Trump: 'That's Your Swamp'

It’d be neat if a sympathetic TV personality (Hannity, maybe) would get the dotard on the phone and earnestly ask him “Hey, Mr. President, the economy is pretty good, with the Dow soaring and unemployment under 4%, we’re not at war with anybody, how come almost 60% of the country still disapproves of the job you’re doing?

I think it could set off some fun Twitter pants-pooping.




Not only Cavuto, but the WSJ had some scathing comments directed towards Trump. One wonders if this is coming directly from Murdock, and if he’s just fed up with Trump or somehow implicated in his chaotic criminal underworld.


I thought drump said those numbers were BS.


(spits coffee)
Per cnn.com
WH legal team “caught off guard by Rudy”
And he said “They were. I don;'t talk to them”

Ah yes, the sour stench of incompetence.


That was my thought, too: Faux News hosts don’t just go off the reservation. What’s their angle? What are they positioning themselves to be ahead of?

ETA: I just actually watched it and, while he does some fairly major weaseling and sucking up, that was a pretty comprehensive take down!


They know Il Duce is dirty. They’ve always known, but they’ve stuck to the fiction of partisan persecution as long as they could. Now they know the house of cards is falling down and the cat will never get back in the bag. Cavuto is just the first salvo in the messy damage control that will avalanche soon.


Maybe he’s seen the writing on the wall…or he wanted to be Shep’s only friend at FOX.


Didn’t Cavuto recently “beat” Stage IV cancer?
Staring into the back of the hearse will sometimes modify a person’s behavior.


What are they positioning themselves to be ahead of?

Agreed completely. Fox “News” is NOTHING MORE that the propaganda arm for the GOP and all of this is scripted and approved of ahead of time. If this is what’s coming out of Cavuto’s pie hole, they very well might be anticipating something, well, - indefensible.


He and his ilk are driving the hearse.


Guilliani. They know the unhinged first salvo they saw this week won’t be the last as long as he is Trump’s attorney. Because Guilliani IS unhinged and is as much of a glutton for TV time as Trump himself is. So they see more crazy crap coming down the pike.


I watched that interview live and was stunned. It isn’t totally surprising, though. Cavuto has never been in lock step with Trump - who refuses to go on his show. Cavuto is a Wall Street guy and that is what is show covers, mostly, but also political topics. He loves the tax cuts and some other policy issues, but doesn’t like the Trump rhetoric or the tweets. Cavuto isn’t Shep Smith, but he is a far cry from Hannity et al. The Trumpers are going wild and pushing back in a hard and ugly way on Twitter


I’ve never watched Cavuto before. Does he always sound like a battered spouse pleading for the beating to end?

“It’s not your fault… but please stop!”


“You STILL look like an enabling witch” - @sysprog has a lead for your friend over on the KAC thread. It could be a resume builder.


Only in the context of when they make him look bad.

If he looks good, then they’re wonderful!!

Get with the program here…


I assume this dipshit forgot to finish with, “…because you still haven’t arrested Hillary Clinton.”

LOL. Kabuki.


Rupert Murdoch is merely covering the table here, so that whatever happens, he can position Fox as having been on the right side of history.

He’s got Hannity, Doocy, Ingraham, Carlson and Watters still shamelessly pumping out the usual white supremacist agitprop on behalf of the old idiot and his deranged regime but he’s now added Cavuto to the Shep Smith gambit—the whole “how can you say Fox is biased when we allow Shep to speak his mind?” routine, exposing a Fox personality to the usual death threats from the Fox viewing base, but allowing Rupert to insist that his network has not “taken sides.”

Going too far in his Orwellian support for Trump and the Republicans may have cost him dearly in his bid to take over Sky News, so perhaps this is just an adjustment in the business model.


Lucky day for rabid trumpers watching his show. If there’s one thing trumpers love, it’s a new bogeyman to hate. Cavuto stepped out of line, and the cult will respond.

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