Discussion: What To Know As The Bridgegate Trial Begins

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That’s an unusual defense they’ve come up with. “Yeah I robbed the bank but they had no money in the vault and I missed the only person I shot at. So lemme go”


All I need to know is they get a fair trail and get hung the next day.


If you need to know more about the awful character of Christie and his gang of “civil servants,” they planned the traffic jam for the 1st day of the school year to maximize the damage to school children and parents, i.e. they are complete sociopaths.


If only all the uneducated felt that way.


This is why Christie and His Orangeness are such a natural pair: no slight goes unretaliated, no truth cannot be bent.


That it’s New Jersey and the lot of them is guilty of some felony(s).

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Nice alteration to your avatar, @pmaroneyb! H-> or H–> (that’s the best graphic I can produce! LOL).


After they spill all they know about how Christie was involved.

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Bridgegate is a great big mobbed up mess. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.


Free too!

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When is FAT BOY going to go down???

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And the kicker is, HO has Christie teed up to be the AG in his administration.
That’s nice, the nation’s top cop should have first hand knowledge of the crimes that they may be prosecuting, NOT!

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I think this story, to generalize, demonstrates the difference between Republian and Democratic leadership.

I think Dems, in general, run for office to help people and society take a leap forward and believe government is a vehicle that can make a difference in ordinary people’s lives.

Repubs seem to want to use government as an instrument of power. To help their allies and punish their enemies, especially ideological enemies.

While there is corruption on both sides, I don’t think it’s comparable. Look at Bridegate, the US Attorney scandal, voting right restrictions, unconstitutional restriction of abortion rights, the Iraq war, the Scott Walker and Donald Trump “pay to play” scandals, etc.


The proper role of AG in a republican administration is to punish opponents and truth-tellers and to look the other way while Kenneth Lay creates rolling blackouts in California and lenders refuse loans to blacks. Christie is well suited to this role.


There are endless differences, that clearly show what the Democratic Party is about and what the opposition brings.

Replacing the last 2 AG’s, both black and one a woman, with the bloated white version of the old boys club and knowing that his agenda will be just as you described, is one of the most obvious.

Of course they did put token Gonzalez in that slot so that he could fire other AG’s that weren’t with the program but that is a distinction without a difference.


Wow! And the governor didn’t know a thing about it.

Man, those three are some avid supporters. How fortunate that just the right people were in just the right positions with just the same selfless devotion to Christie that they’d risk jail and loss of their careers for simple political retribution that would get them nothing from the out-of-the-loop governor.

Truly, a remarkable testament to the love his staff has for him. If Chris Christie wasn’t so apparently beloved, one might conclude he had poor control and oversight over the team in charge of one of America’s most critical bridges during a time of war.

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Right, they love him so much and are so dedicated, that he fired the woman (nice visual there) and his high school chum is the key rat against him and the rest have bailed and hope to never have their names associated with his.

A truly loyal group he had assembled there.

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I like this defense theory. It means as long as you don’t keep any of the resources you misappropriate it’s OK. Sort of like Robin Hood.

But I think this also explains why Christie did so badly on the national republican stage. All he did was stop a bunch of kids from getting to school and some ambulances from responding to emergency calls. Trump was willing to joke about shooting people in public.

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I suspect the guilty parties are clinging to the revenge-as-motive story to cover up the more plausible reason. Money!