Discussion: What The Hell Is The DHS Going To Do With Kobach’s Voter Fraud Panel Mess?

That would require patience and attention to detail. No chance.

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Thanks for this article. Everything this administration does is a worry, Voter suppression is already happening and Kobach was putting it on steroids. When the transfer to DHS was announced, I was afraid those attempts would disappear into a black void and later emerge full-grown. It seems to do that would be more difficult than I thought…


I heard this guy on the radio yesterday. I knew he was a dick, but until I heard him speak, I didn’t realize he was such an asshole about it. He’s truly a Gingrich, Gorka-level shitheel.


Who took over Kervorkian’s practice?

If DHS has any jurisdiction to investigate alligations of election irregularities they should start their investigation by closely examining the Russian efforts to rig the 2016 in favor of the incompetent, ignorant and irrational.

…but then they do not have jurisdiction over elections and they must be stopped from this over reach by the “Shallow State.”

I also heard that NPR story on my way home from work. Actually, i heard the introduction, and changed the station. I will not waste any of my time listening to that thing.

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Does this really qualify as tragedy? I’m more inclined to go with farce or comedy of errors…


To make sure that anyone who opposes Republicans can’t elect anyone.


Ruh-Roh, Kris! It’s back to the Kansas Miracle for y-o-u!

the administration was sending “the preliminary findings from the commission to the Department of Homeland Security and make determinations on the best way forward from that point.”

I know it’s the Trump administration and they’re capable of bad shit, but I read this as an attempt to blackhole the whole thing by saying “yeah, we’ll have people deal with it”. Telling Kobach and the fools who believe him that sure, they’re definitely pursuing all those illegal voters, when they know there’s nothing actually there.


I guess I’m a glutton for punishment, or maybe I just wanted to see just how bad it was. It was worse than I’d feared…

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Much of the data that Kobach was seeking, such as from the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) program, exist under U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. But Kobach has also suggested that the work could be connected to DHS’ critical infrastructure initiative, which could put it under the National Protection and Programs Directorate.

I don’t understand the significance of this. What difference does it make whether Kobach’s “work” continues under the auspices of USCIS vs NPPD? Is it the difference between ICE vs DHS? How does that matter? Do those departments impose different requirements on transparency? What is the difference between their jurisdictions? Does one have power to compel states to turn over data, where the other does not? Is one staffed by political appointees, and the other composed of career public servants?

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Is this what they call Wingnut ‘Deep State’ Irony?

Kobach: Big Brother will handle it for me now.

Fucking Fascist.


They have no statuary authority to be involved in the election process.

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Same thing was true of the interview done with the so well-named Flake last night when at the end he states that finding a middle ground for “traditional conservatives,” of which he is no way representative, between what Trump’s base represents and the Democratic party, which has become liberal to the extreme. Robert “don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out” Siegal had the opportunity to have Flake give examples of this extreme liberalism but just ended the interview.

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This nation was founded on the principle of representation, and the effort to suppress voters by Republicans is about as unpatriotic as you can get. No wonder they had no problem taking advantage of Russian interference in the 2016 election, they have already shown they are completely willing to violate the basic principles that make America what it is in order to further their political power. Make no mistake, Trump is just a symptom of a party that wants to impose their rule on the nation…we need to fight against the entire regime, not just the latest Trump Twitter distraction.


I live in a rural school district where our last referendum failed by 60 votes. So I am all in favor of arresting and jailing anyone who falsely declares residency at their vacation property, for the purpose of voting illegally.

I truly appreciate all the wealthy Democrats who understand that the kid who fetched clubs and balls at the mini-golf last summer, deserves a great education. But as a matter of principle, they shouldn’t be driving up from the cities to vote themselves a property tax increase for schools their kids don’t even attend.

Around here, it’s usually the opposite. People with vacation homes who don’t think they should be taxed so that some rural dimwit can get an education they won’t be able to use anyway.

Kris Kobach has successfully charged 10 or 15 voters with voter fraud, most, if not all, are elderly registered republicans with homes in two states, who double voted).

Stop attributing to these people that they actually believe the bullshit that’s foaming out of their mouths. They don’t.
