Discussion: What If We Made Gun Culture Uncool Like We Did Cigarettes?

Ben Carson would love that movie!


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Baby steps, that’s the only way this kind of approach works.

Don’t want them to think we’re ramming anything down their throats™!

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Actually, no they don’t.

My 2008 Jeep has “power outlets” but no lighter or ashtray. Just a minor parts difference, sure - but I don’t remember seeing any new cars with either in quite awhile.

Like I said…baby steps…

I want to live in that world!

But then there would have to be dialog for the leftover 60 minutes.
You know, people talking…and thinking…and stuff.

As if…

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Well, usually mass murderers don’t get the opportunity to pose for pictures with their dead victims and post them on Facebook. I imagine more than a few would if they could.

Video also seems to make a difference.

I the late 90’s some auto manufacturers started offering a smokers package. It usually consisted of an ash tray that was inserted into one of the front cup holders and a lighter that went into the power outlet.

If we made gun culture uncool like smoking, well…we’d have a bunch of gun nuts in the South and other parts of Teabagistan happily fondling their “weapons” and saying “fuck the government, I’ll do what I want”.

Which is to say, exactly like it is now with cigarettes.

So your idea is to insult everyday Americans who, in many cases have obtained licenses to purchase guns after undergoing background investigations and providing references, keep them locked up and use them for recreational target shooting and legal hunting or as items of historical collecting interest. Great idea. Shows where you are coming from. And displays your total ignorance of the lawabiding firearms owning community in this country.

At the Texas southern border 600 to 1000 illegals cross each day in the summer months. Who knows if they are terrorists or, and we know, gang members.Over a period of time America has millions of sleepers waiting for Americans to lose their second amendment rights which will make personal attacks much easier for them. And if terrorists do come out in force when our rights are taken they will be at our malls, streets, etc. When we lose our ability to protect ourselves the police are the last on the scene. Of course we can let our police continue to militarize with the 1033 program and have a police state. Most are against that for good reason. They still will be on the scene after you are dead. Then there are the officers that are trigger happy. I’ll have to agree the gun industry uses all the common weasel ways to advertise but many, many of us are smarter than that. (if our schools were as good as they used to be many more would be smarter). I laugh at the ads and am not convinced to buy. Do all the so called gun free countries protect their borders to keep their citizens safe? America does not. I don’t just worry about criminals that always and forever will ignore the useless gun laws that are supposed to keep them from having weapons, I worry about the many terrorists no one can convince me do not cross our borders. The gun bans will only succeed in making law abiding citizens criminals because a large proportion of them will not give up their second amendment rights regardless.

And you call yourself common sense? ROFLMAO.

The ashtray and lighter in our new VW is a $300 option. The open window is still free and judging by the streets is widely used… We aren’t smokers anyway.

Thank you for your contribution.

Have fun back on RawStory, we’ll see you in another 1-2 months when you resurface for a comment or two.

There was a TV show in which an unarmed good guy defeated armed bad guys: MacGuyver.
Why not make it into a movie?

You know, at this point I really don’t care if responsible gun owners feel insulted. If they really cared all those responsible gun owners would be climbing all over the NRA for their irresponsible touting of “guns-everywhere”, electing different and sensible NRA and political leaders, and changing the dialogue in this country to something much more reasonable and safe. They aren’t; therefore they really do not care. I do, and by now I haven’t the faintest idea just what total stranger is “responsible”, “sane”, etc. or how to tell. All I know, from tons of research, is that for whatever reason where there are guns there are much more likely to be gun injuries/deaths, of whatever sort, and I want not to have to wonder who’s a “good guy” or not. So… if I see a gun, or know there’s one around, I stay away, and keep my children away. Too bad this is blanket decision, but the sensible gun owners of my childhood seem to be gone. Or else they’re paying dues to the NRA of their youth which hasn’t existed in many years and which now is a yuuuge part of the problem. And anyone who thinks they need (or could even use) guns to “defend” against our duly elected government, then IMO they’re certifiable.


I have not ever bought a new car! All used and usually 10-15 years old at that.

Yes, but he was intelligent and educated. Can’t have that.

Your children are much more likely to die from being in a car than from being around a gun, even with all the safety equipment, licensing and training that go along with our car culture. Do you not allow them to be around cars either?

Yours is a specious argument, like “gee, people drown in swimming pools too!” Cars (and swimming pools) are not manufactured, sold and purchased for killing. Just as swimming pools stay put, barring bizarre accidents cars also stay out in the street/roads etc. They won’t somehow appear in the hand of some fool in a restaurant or tag along with some swaggering idiot in a store that used to be quite safe from anyone more dangerous than a shoplifter. They won’t go off by accident in a theater when someone adjusts their waistband or reaches for something in their pocket. They won’t lurk in a desk drawer or on the top of a fridge to allow children to play–and shoot someone–with. Cars are also registered and insured, and ownership is tracked by governmental agencies. As you noted, training and licensing are required for driving a car, and personal liability insurance. Children are not allowed to drive them, period. People don’t go around with signs that label them “certified sane, sensible, and a good guy”, and even those may have their moments of risk, whether through intent or accident. Recent research indicates that even the presence of a gun tends to predispose people toward road-rage, suicide, etc. As to your question, I didn’t allow my children to play around cars or in the street, or to “play-drive” even a parked car, or to drive alone before they’d had training AND had grown up enough to earn the money to license and insure their own car. If all guns were treated so, and there was a time that they mostly were, gun deaths would be vastly fewer. Tell you what, you help get the same regulations as for cars approved for guns, and then I’ll be happy to revisit my opinions. Till then… if I see a gun, I’m gone. We’re always surrounded by stupidity, carelessness, and emotionality as well as by vice, and any of those can kill.