Discussion: What Happens To The President's Social Media Accounts When He Leaves Office?

Fascinating. I’ve followed some of the discussion about Digital Death — what happens to your bits when you die — this is a very special-case snapshot of that: preserving history, and handing over the accounts to the successors. I’d love to know more about the behind-the-scenes work going on (keep the followers in this account here, archive all the tweets in that new account over there.).

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I actually had been wondering about this. I’d assumed the next president wouldn’t have control over the previous president’s tweets but wasn’t sure how that worked.

Bill Clinton’s “does that username come with the office? #askingforafriend” tweet the day Obama signed up was funny but a real question, lol. Obama’s response was “the handle comes with the house. Know anyone interested in @FLOTUS?” is an even better question.

What Happens To The President's Social Media Accounts When He Leaves Office?

Do tell — I’m all atwitter.

So when can we expect the fleeing? Before, on Jan. 20, 2017, or after? That would be an interesting tidbit to follow.

Boy now trump won’t hafta go all cold turkey if elected… The poor man would blow a vein and stroke out if he couldn’t rant on twitter at 3 AM
Thanks Obama.
Snark aside…I am really gonna miss Obama at the helm of the “ship of state”.

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I could easily imagine trump foraging thru old tweets to change a few and then harp on 'em in a 3 AM rant.