I have nothing to say about Human Facsimile Machine Mike Mulvaney.
Huge story on Sally Yates in The New Yorker by Ryan Lizza. Amazing. Did you know her grandmother Tabitha was one of the first women admitted to the bar in Georgia, 1934.
… Yates’s paternal grandmother, Tabitha Quillian, was one of the first women to be admitted to the Georgia bar, in 1934. She had studied under a lawyer, without telling her husband. According to family lore, he learned about it when he found her name in the newspaper one morning. Yates told me, “My grandfather turned to her and said, ‘Look at that! There’s another Tabitha Quillian who passed the bar.’ ” At that time in the South, it was unheard of for women to practice law, so she worked as her husband’s legal secretary and then played a similar role for her two sons. Yates was impressed by her willingness to speak out. “Mama, as we called her, was not one to hold back her opinion on things,” she said. …
Thank you for 27 years of service Ms. Yates, former Acting Attorney General of The United States of America. And … you served at a time when we actually had laws in this country.
Are the identities of WH staffers secret? In this day and age it’s not hard to find out who the ex-lobbyists are, anyway.
Identify the lobbyists, then repeat the request to see the waivers.
Leakiest White House in history. The “voter fraud” commission hasn’t even met yet, and this picture has leaked from its pre-written recommendations for reducing fraud at polling places in inner cities.
This wall thing is no match for a little C4 … or a good forensic accountant. Meanwhile Trump borrowed an FC2 out of Melania’s purse for yet another iconic pose…
Honest to God. This is Trump to a ‘T’. Anything you don’t want to DO that is legal, ethical or moral SUE OVER. Get your lawyers out there, make a stink and GO TO COURT. This is not ‘extraordinary’ or brash or any other term you want to apply…this is Donnie’s way of dealing with life. And then you have the bottom feeders like Mulvaney running along behind going ‘yeah yeah what HE said!’
Every single day my jaw drops to the floor. And the next day something else happens that makes my jaw drop even lower than I ever though possible. This isn’t asking for the moon or his effing Tax Returns. HELLO!!! Who did you hire that was a lobbyist and where are they working in government??? That’s a bare minimum of transparency.
I’m looking forward to my print issue coming in the mail when I can catch up on this story. Lizza does terrific work, always has even at other publications.
But, but, but … if we gave you copies of all the waivers to show how many hundreds of lobbyists we’ve hired, someone might accuse us of not being sincere in the whole no lobbyist thing, and use it against us. Like in an ad or something.