Discussion: WH: Stone Arrest 'Has Nothing To Do With The President' Or White House

I realize that Hillary Clinton was far from an ideal candidate. But does anyone think a clown like Trump would have had any chance of winning a presidential election, but for major gaming of the system?


Russia was as serious as a heart attack about the Trump ā€œpresidencyā€; Trump just went along for the ego boost and attention. They wanted him to win infinitely more than he did.


The arrest has nothing to do with the president? How do you even SAY something so ridiculous? She is well and truly untethered from reality. :roll_eyes:


If Drumpf were not president he would be in stir trying to avoid (or attract? :laughing:) some sultry looks from some well positioned dudes and figuring out how to cover a scalp with the barbershop hair heā€™s been collecting

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What is amusing about this post is that, about 30 minutes earlier on Three Dolts on a Couch, Geraldo was making the same ā€œnothing to do with the White Houseā€ claim as that made by Sarah a while later. Now thatā€™s coordination and collusion at its finest!


Willing to say that under oath?

Edit: not sure why this is being directed in response to mardam422


Baghdad Bob had nothing on these class A charlatans. They wouldnā€™t know a true statement if it bit them in one of their corpulent asses.


The Current Occupant spoke to me minutes ago and asked - and I am quoting here - ā€œHow do you remove skid marks from underwear?ā€


The HRC fig leaf is getting brown, worn, tattered, and transparent. I cannot believe that even the Trump Al Queda reacts with any more than a ā€œOh, yeah, her. Got anything new?ā€

Which is why Lindsay Graham makes noises about Senate hearings: that meat ainā€™t fresh anymore!

Edits for spellink


Well since ā€œGet Me Roger Stoneā€ is no longer an option?

So with all of Trumpā€™s closest besties get rounded up the question to be asked is does Hannity have the time to hold Donaldsā€™ā€¦whatever through these troubling times?

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Lindsey Graham is in a great deal of legal liability


Could today be the ā€œDay of the Long Knivesā€? Hope soā€¦

Mulvaney starts to draw ire as shutdown drags on
White House aides and close advisers are sniping about Mick Mulvaneyā€™s political skills as the government shutdown enters its second month.


What political skills? The guy is a class D freak like the rest of the bottom feeders that accepted posts in the shithole administration.


This was a jarring piece of news, that there are 30 people walking the halls of the WH with security clearances despite having major red flags and being turned down by the career folks who deal with security clearances all the time. Evidently people coming on at the WH in the past have only been rejected less than once per presidency. 30 all at once! Where does Trump find these people? Are they mostly Russian recommendations? Are they all Russian, or Saudi or whoever, operatives?


Would it be possible to change out the photo of Ms. Sanders at the top of this article? Asking for a friend who wants to have breakfast.


I think Elijah Cummings oversight committee is starting with this issue ASAP. Watch for young Jared in the hot seat.


Yeah pretty astounding 30 folks that might spill the beans, whether on purpose or because they donā€™t know better, have access and knowledge about a lot of stuff we donā€™t want dangerous countries or people knowing about.

Almost certainly not. Butā€¦never underestimate the ability of a group of people to make the worst choice possible either.

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Did Trump via Sarah just throw the GOP under the bus? But thanks for the heads up for another avenue for investigating.

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Either that or heā€™s going to have to take a ā€œvacationā€ to Brazil or some other country with whom we donā€™t have an extradition treaty.