Discussion: WH Still Trying To Prove Trump Only Meant MS-13 Members Are 'Animals’

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If you’re (re)explaining, you’re losing…


I hope they know that Don Jr. was actively palling around with MS-13 gang members. Likewise Iwanka was involved with several Russian mafia thugs.

Apparently, some in the Border Patrol look at all Hispanics the same way. At least he didn’t shoot the two women.




The Real World - Take what Trump says literally but not seriously.

Trump Supporters - Take what Trump says seriously but not literally.


Well, at least donnie is finally doing some real work instead of just having executive time. And he deserves credit for that work, even if it’s only editing press releases to ensure his favorite words and phrases are sufficiently represented.

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Why compare people to animals? Haven’t animals suffered enough?


Centupling down, the White(s Only) House is still trying to prove Tweeto Mussolini didn’t say what he said, and suggested he may NOT be a Hate-filled Despotic Asshole from Hell.™

Didn’t they once say “Don’t judge him by his words but by what’s in his heart” or somesuch?

You have to admit that the one thing he does really well is,
stir the pot
lie again
reformulate the lie
continuously lie until the lie becomes the truth.
But to only those who wouldn’t know the difference.


As he was in the beginning is now and ever shall be. Filth without end.


The statement — titled “What you need to know about the violent animals of MS-13”—outlines some of the horrific crimes committed by members of the gang in the suburbs of New York City and Washington, D.C. in the past two years. The statement called MS-13 members “animals” nearly 10 times.

has any republican white house ever been this vile?

I’m curious as to why the Trumpers seem to be trying to qualify their remarks. From my vantage point, they’ve always been about white nationalism. When you stand up for Nazis as ‘very fine people’, have your chief of staff slander a female African American member of Congress because she’s black, and have your DHS Secretary defend separating young, frightened children from their parents for the crime of being brown, I didn’t think they had limits.

Is the fact there were some people in the media who didn’t buy their spin (Maggie Haberman was one of them to my surprise) intimidate them? Did they get negative feedback from pollsters about the impact of their assault on latinos at the ballot box? I’m actually curious as to what is motivating this defensive posture because it can’t be shame or a sense of right and wrong.


The border patrol are the worse facists in law enforment, and probably the crookedest too, all those drugs don’t miraculously arrive at Ohio, somebody got paid along the way. Last time I checked well over a hundred agents have been busted for for taking payments from traffickers, and that probably is only the tip of the iceberg.


Funny, I’ve never actually seen an “animal” commit a crime…human beings, on the other hand, do it all the time.


What’s left out of so many reports on this is Trump followed the “animals” statement with a statement something like “and we’re arresting and deporting them” followed by his typical hype of I can Tell you and bigly. That was direct context, while the fan reference was not. Has the admin actually been arresting and deporting gang members bigly? Since the WH doesn’t say it - though Trump admin is arresting and deporting teachers and workers and others, who was he referring to? More lies from the con msn in chief. Reporters should use his own words against him instead of repeating WH BS.

Added: found the transcript on Vox. Dear Leader’s own words: “These aren’t people. These are animals. And we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. It’s crazy.” Donnie says taking them out - let’s see some data. Suspect it’s another untruth. And about those laws, your party controls the legislature. And you’ve done nothing on this.


Wish I could like that more.

That’s an astute observation and I’m glad you made it.


That’s high praise, coming from you. I’m sincerely flattered and thanks for the compliment.


Well goodness - back atcha! hahahahahahahahaha

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Yes and “they” still haven’t proved that he has one, one of normal size that is.

In my neck of the woods he’s Class A1 shit stirrer.