I just know what to say about any of this.
The governments of great societies do not have public wrangles about whether or not their leaders own bathrobes. It’s just not high in their priorities.
I guess you’re not well traveled.
I’ve been here and there and I swear I never heard it come up. England, France, Italy, Mexico, Belize, the Philippines, Kiribati, Denmark, Sweden, I forget all where else. No talk of leader bathrobes.
Success at what? Ramming through executive orders, which requires no finesse or diplomacy?
Success at what? Dividing the country even deeper against itself?
Success at what? Talking shit about the country you ostensibly govern while propping up our enemy?
Success at what? Enabling white supremacists and elevating them to the National Security Council?
Success at what, motherfucker? Success at motherfucking what?
Getting attention, whether bad or good. What other form of success matters to a person with the mind of a spoiled 5-year-old?
Is he just going to whine incessantly?
You know, I can’t help but think that at least some of the people who voted for him did so because they were entertained by his realty show: Running for President.
Surely the whining will get old even to them eventually because goddamn it’s boring listening to grown ass white boys whine.
that’s why I quit listening to anything except hip hop and opera.
is he saying that we should give The Rapist credit when our intelligence community, the same community he belittled, stops an attack?
At getting people to talk about him?
How many terrorist attacks did the Obama administration prevent? Dozens? Hundreds? How many times did PotUS 44 or his press secretary whine in front of a camera about the lack of praise to which he felt he was entitled?
@gregangelo Don’t forget separating family members, obliterating thousands of hours of vetting (and millions of dollars spent) by summarily revoking visas, and providing invaluable propaganda to extremist Islamist groups.
They are getting the coverage they deserve. Next?
Spicer said the White House will "provide a list later" of
attacks that have not gotten the coverage they "deserved."
I’ll get the ball rollin’ for ya Sean …
Ah, there’s your error: you’re trying to compare a spoiled self-centered whiny baby with an adult. Not possible.whiny baby gotta whine, adult just thinks “oh, grow up, won’t you?”
Except 70-yr-old whiny baby will never grow up.
Since ObaMa left thE preSidenCy, theRe has been a liTeraL terror tsunami thAt TrumP has persoNally thwaRted anD which thE LamEStreAm mediA has ignored. You won’t hEar abOUt any of this unless you reaD infowars or lisTen to Alex Jones.
Honestly, I longer wonder about whether there’s going to be a chaos-ridden clusterfuck of a crisis. I’m now just left speculating on what form it will take.I don’t exactly think we’re doomed, but I do think that a very nasty and unpleasant fate awaits us as a nation. Another day that the universe changed.
It’s true. Trump has around 90% approval among Republicans, and all I can feel is…pity. How willfully ignorant or deeply, deeply misinformed do you have to be to look at the past two weeks and think, “This is going well”?
@thebigragu You could subdivide gunshots into self-inflicted, accidental, and homicides and each would be leaps and bounds higher than terrorism.
”Trump watching television in his bathrobe in the evenings.”
“Barney & Friends” at 7:00, “Teletubbies” at 7:30.
Then it’s time for snackies, pull-ups, and lights out.
So where do terror attacks rank in terms of killing Americans. Rank these…
Heart Disease
Car Accidents
Drug Overdoses
And how do the numbers of terrorist killings compare after being ranked?
Welcome to the information age: it’s difficult to manufacture events