Discussion: WH Spokesman: I Look Forward To Seeing Kanye's Campaign Slogan

Discussion for article #239962

I might be wrong about him, but I find Kanye West to be one self-entitled, very arrogant SOB.


Nope, you’re not wrong.


Kanye’s 2020 campaign slogan? Easy:

“Kanye West Doesn’t Care About White People” :wink:

His VP choice:

Mike Meyers, of course


I thought it would be “Imma let you finish.”

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I was thinking, “Dream of Kim as First Lady.”




Or maybe, “Look at that Ass.”

“A fish dick in every mouth.”

Edit: Maybe that requires some explanation haha. The whole episode was about a joke…“Do you like fishsticks? Yes. Then you must be a gay fish!!!”…but Kanye didn’t get the whole “fish dicks” play on words, so he goes completely nuts trying to figure out why everyone is calling him a gay fish and trying to get them to stop.

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I Look Forward To Seeing Kanye’s Campaign Slogan

Don’t we all??

But more, I hope he does run. Whomever is left of this GOPTP and the rest of the right would completely implode on the prospect of another black man in the WH. Especially this one.

He’s amazingly talented and I love his music, but you’re not wrong.

I do love his refusal to be caught smiling though. It’s his way of trolling the media.

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“I look forward to seeing what slogan he chooses to embroider on his campaign hat,” Earnest said on the way to Alaska with the President, according to the publication.

I also love Josh Earnest. The man has a very wry sense of humor, and I love that he got in a not-too-subtle dig at Trump.


Eye of the beholder, Plucky. :scream:

At President Trump’s second Inauguration, Kanye West will bound to the platform and yell, “I was robbed, y’all” and try to wrest the Bible out of Trump’s hand. Trump will holler: “Sit down, jackass!”

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True. I won’t deny that he is very talented. I vaguely remember back when he first came onto the scene, I thought to myself, “Wow, he’s great and I hope he makes it.” After that, it was all downhill. I truly wish society wouldn’t support such personalities – he carries a lot of influence with youngsters and I’ve witnessed some who believe it’s quite okay to act like he does.

That said, I also truly wish people like those seriously hateful, classist, racist homophobe idiots on FOX Entertainment weren’t allowed to show their faces in public (much less on TV).

As rambling and incoherent as his part of the speech was during that Katrina benefit, and as much as I can’t stand his usual nonsense, that was one time I wanted to shake his hand haha…sneak attack…boom! “George Bush doesn’t care about black people!” Loved it. Priceless. If only he had been holding a mic to drop hahahaha


West was 100% correct with “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” I clapped my hands when I heard that – because it was and is true. GWBush just trolls black people and I hope they know that.

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Even if you don’t respect his talent as a rapper, he’s one of the most well-respected producers in the music industry and probably the most influential rap producer over the last decade or so. He produced Jay Z’s The Blueprint. Still, even as a rapper, it takes serious talent to rap an entire album while your mouth is wired shut.

I’m even a little less hard on him now that I really do understand him better. He was a pretty seemingly nice guy, arrogant, but not a total jackass until his mother died and he lost his mind. My mom died suddenly a month ago, and I know how fucking brutally traumatic this is for me. If I was going through this process on the world stage, I’m pretty sure people would hate me too. I know they would.

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I really don’t know which was better, Kanye saying “George Bush doesn’t care about black people!” or Mike Myer’s face.


Or, updated for brevity and hipness, “dat ass doe.”