Discussion: WH: Speaker Ryan's Status 'Not Something That The White House Has Waded Into'

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A spokesperson for Mulvaney told the Washington Post his comments were “purely hypothetical.”

Purely hypothetical. Just not connected to any tangible thing here on the planet. A joke, if you will.


Mulvaney is a turd.


“At this point, that’s something for Speaker Ryan and members of Congress to make that determination, not something a swamp that the White House has waded into at this point,” Sanders told reporters at a press briefing Tuesday.



A spokesperson for Mulvaney told the Washington Post his comments were “purely hypothetical hypocritical.”

FIFY, again!


“Can’t you take a joke? You need to get a sense of humor.”


“Not something that the White House has waddled into.”

I mean, after all, it is Sarah Huckabee Sanders. And it’s not like I’m making fun of her eye makeup or her unibrow or anything controversial like that.


Bravely leading from the ass end of the pack, as always.

Of course if SHS had any credibility at all, she could rightly say “the Congress is a co-equal branch of government and the President would not presume to tell the House of Representatives who they should support as their leader”. And people would take that answer and accept it.

But she doesn’t, so she can’t. Sad.


“At this point, that’s something for Speaker Ryan and members of Congress to make that determination, not something that the White House has waded into at this point,” Sanders told reporters at a press briefing Tuesday.


A spokesperson for Mulvaney told the Washington Post his comments were “purely hypothetical.”



Could someone remind me when the Director of the Office of Management and Budget for the White House became empowered to determine the choosing of the Speaker of the House?


That’s the turd time I’ve heard someone say that today!


Qu’est-ce que c’est: “waded into at this point”? Est-ce marécageux, ou est-ce de la merde de taureau?

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Any time you are sure something is a given, it’s about to be taken.

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C’est un coup de poignard dans le dos, comme toujour.


Speak English, ya goddamned furriners, or I’ll sic those Montana ICE agents on your sorry asses!



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The whole Pelosi-as-demon-meme is entirely bootstrapped from mischaracterizations, shameless innuendo, misogyny, slander and flat out lies. That cretins like Mulvaney are now positing it as some great tool to defeat Democrats is a good example of the only thing Republicans are good at. They will tirelessly conduct decades-long smear campaigns soley to accomplish goals like this.

There’s no expectation of merit involved in advancing their agenda, instead they go all out to identify and leverage any possible human weakness to selfishly enrich themselves. There is bad faith in everything they do, and collectively and deliberately they will never honestly concede important truths.

For Democrats and the good people on the left, there can be no looking forward until large numbers of conservatives are incarcerated and suffering so that they will change their ways. That is the way forward. Otherwise we are letting a malignant human variant take the reins (edit sp) of humanity and it will not end well, most likely a nuclear conflagration.

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Avec un stiletto terne.

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It appears that SHS in order to avoid make-up criticism is not wearing any make-up. Not a good decision.

Ce sont les Etats-Unis, on a le droit de parler, et dans n’importe laquelle langue, et l’ICE peut aller se faire foutre, voila tout, merde!