Reminds me of a kid who is forced to apologize.
They do it , but under duress and never , never sincere.
Oh, is that why he sent Melania out – to being back a first hand report?
Truly the most vacuous moron who ever lived…completely lacking common sense or self awareness.
And now he has the opportunity to send out his patented “feel sorry for me” tweet: “Dems aren’t giving me any credit for lowering the flags.”
Because, like a two-year old learning to use the potty, he must be praised for every decent thing he does.
WHY does it always take him two or three times to ‘get it right’? And now we will have to listen to some sht out of ms Sarah about fake news or partisan dems or never giving Donnie a chance.
Stingy woman shilling for a stingy president from a stingy party.
They operate from a position of scarcity. There is a limited amount of money or power or warmth and we will do whatever we need to to grab and hoard and cling to as much of it as we can. There is not enough for you. It’s a place of emotional barrenness and it is part of why they constantly play the victim or the bully and try to keep everyone on eggshells.
You can see it playing out w/ the Supreme Court…conservative straight white men’s last grasp to cling to power. It is on its way out…or they’ll have to share at least.
What a sad way to spend one’s life. No joy or compassion or vulnerability or love.
I’m sure his resentment over being forced to act like a normal human being is ruining Executive Time this morning.
Also, how long before he starts blaming the victim? “Maybe if journalists acted more responsibly these things wouldn’t happen.”
True, they only “apologize” (change direction) because visible support of violence against journalists might have more repercussions at this time than they care to indulge.
But, this administration is very clear with this dog-whistling message they sent. If Mr. Trump continues to hold power he will support violence against journalists.
Most of us cannot wrap our minds around this, so we avoid applying motivations. But it is plain, Trump’s incessant attacks on journalists and their work, his autocratic behavioral traits, his dominance politics and his clear support of white national race-fueled violence or other violent choices like child kidnappings.
Just piece it together.
To trump… image is everything … except his narcississric ego gets in the wsy and makes everything about him and his precious victimhood.
Since “there’s an app for that” I am waiting for the beyatch slap app i can apply when needed on him.
Clearly, little love is being wasted on this shrew…
Trump harbors violent thoughts about anyone who disagrees with him, not just journalists. He has publicly expressed as much at his rallies. I could list incidents but it would take too long.
So much for “compassionate conservatism”
Sarah Ham Sammy rewrites history. Again.
This is like a real-life re-make of The Producers.
Springtime for Donnie’s Deplorables,
Winter for liberals and 'crats.
Springtime for Donnie’s Deplorables,
Come on MAGA’s, go into your dance.
I was born Indiana
And that is why they call me Nana
Don’t be stupid! Be a smarty!
C’mon join the Trumpist Party!
I would like a little reporting on this issue. It sounds like somebody in the Trump administration initially resisted, then they pretty quickly changed directions. Why? What happened? Was this entirely Trump or did one of his house minions make the initial call?
When it happened the deaths at the Gazette represented the death of the 1st Ammendment to Trump. He was fine with that until it became obvious what a prick he is in his soul.
“Americans across the country are united in calling upon God …"
Especially your people, right donnie?
Still the attacks on the first amendment continue. He referred to the media as the opposition party. There is no sincerity, no common decency. Not even a week has passed and he is disparaging the press. This morning prior to reversing course. He does not care.
Well, he certainly won’t get any brownie points for this. So why did he do it at all?
The rest of the country understands optics is why he did it, and someone in this administration must have explained it to him.
Typical bully-coward. Only carries on when he’s attacking someone he thinks weaker. For an equal or superior, folds and becomes subservient instanter.
The Big Fat Liar is a Lyin’ Coward.