Does the WH have even the slimmest grasp of what “recordings” are?
Lordy, I hope there are tapes…
Yes, and they will tell you that recordings are “fake news.”
It’s about their same understanding of Truth
Both a foreign concept
Ron Howard voiceover: (He did.)
I see we’re back to Commander Freak and his entourage trying to gaslight the public again with some all-too-familiar bullshit. Seems to happen at the same time he has problems with “the ladies” too. Hmmm…women and hostility. Just an observation.
She would be better off stating “no comment, next question?” By lying she is continuing to set the tone that Trump’s Administration lacks any credibility. Which come to think of it - they could care less.
Another boldfaced lie by a WH spokesbot.
The base roars its approval.
I’d like to stipulate: The President of the United States is an unrepentant liar.
Yes…she is a liar and a fraud.
Does anyone if Sarah Huckabee has children? (I seen very disgusting women getting pregnant so she might)
What is she going to tell them (specially a girl) about her role of defending the most disgusting man that is Donald Trump. Is she doing it for money? I don’t think her position pays that much… arguments that even serial killers have the right to a defense, don’t cut it. Never seen a lawyer arguing that his client serial killing was a good thing.
I guess she will have to steal a page from her old man’s playbook and say that yes she might have been a power thirsty verbal prostitute once (little market for her as a physical prostitute outside some remote mining camps), but Jesus touched er and she has seen the light and now she only employs her lying skill in raising funds for the lords celestial coffers.
Trump bragged about forcibly grabbing the genitals of women, and doing it with impunity due to his celebrity and wealth. That isn’t committing violence?
She is going to tell them that is what the Bible says girls should do. I mean that seriously.
Sarah gets a bonu$ every time she says “fake news,” so she really doesn’t give a fig about your facts. They simply don’t pay.
Thanks for that link - good aticle and I love the way she always stayed calm . You know she wannted to scream
Wadda Fucking jerk!
Frump E. Hucklebee is certainly shoring up her reputation as the White House’s new, improved Sadr City Sean.
She has three. And they are always dressed in identical striped clothing because … slimming.
“The tape exists” is a bit of a misleading banner, hah.
I am convinced that this kind of thing is a dominance tactic. Spout a series of glaring obvious lies, and anyone who doesn’t slap you down (ahem) immediately, or who ever treats you as potentially credible again, has shown weakness.