Alienator! You’re the alienator! You’re the alienator!
Sarah, your boss is THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, for dog’s sake. I’m not happy about it but Jesus Christ on a cracker, start acting like you’re leading a fucking country here, not crying over who got more ice cream after recess.
time and time again Congress has made promises and failed to deliver.
One of those broken clock moments, but it’s not a good idea to use the continual failure of the GOP Congress to pass anything as a defensive weapon for WH ineptitude.
[quote=“irasdad, post:17, topic:63511”]
Let’s just say that Sarah won’t be bringing her coveted fried 'possum to the annual Mensa picnic anytime soon.
[/quote]Seriously Irasdad you should consider writing for Comedy Central. I am in awe.