If anyone is being alienated, it’s people who are promising things and not delivering,” she said.
As opposed to Trumpler, whose adhering to the letter and spirit of contracts and agreements is well renown.
“They’ll have it in two to three weeks.It’ll be fabulous.”
Does she even bother to listen to herself?
More than half of the Senate has turned over since Obama was elected in 2008. For many of the Republicans, doing nothing is all they’ve known.
“This is John Kelly, and I didn’t approve this message.”
“I don’t think he’s alienated anyone. I think Congress has alienated themselves by not actually getting the job done that the people of this country elected them to do,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Tuesday.
“…I think Congress has alienated themselves …”
And we know how Orange Julius feels about aliens.
Alienating themselves from inalienable rights by continuing to support a fatuous gasbag that is doing clear damage to a country they purport to love at the behest of Moscow, Mercers, Kochs, and KKK.
Sounds like promises kept to me.
Geez, it’s contageous. She is starting to talk with him:
“> I don’t think he’s alienated anyone. I think Congress has alienated themselves by not actually getting the job done that the people of this country elected them to do,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Tuesday.
“No puppet… Np puppet… No, You’re the puppet! You’re the puppet!”
But seriously, now: If you were SarahHS, would you listen to yourself?
Right. A competent, informed president (or one with a good staff at least!) would be able to push a bill through. These votes have all been nail-biters, just the smallest amount of competence or compromise would give the Rs serial wins.
(Vid clip embedded; this was quite an interview, by the way)
Not alienating! Not alienating! You’re the alienating!
Where are the aliens when you need them most?
Breaking News: Up Is Now Down!
The ACA has been around for almost eight years, and Trump has no idea what’s in that.
Right. “Obama, waaaaah!” is everything.
Let’s just say that Sarah won’t be bringing her coveted fried 'possum to the annual Mensa picnic anytime soon.
N she said this about him last year
Countless times, yes.
We were warned.
In the WH