Discussion: WH Refuses Dems' Request For Info On Trump's Talks With Putin

‘This is coming from a 38 year union member who doesn’t need you to do any homework for me

It would be reasonable for the content of meetings between trump and Putin to be made available to our intelligence people so that they can do their mandated jobs… But trump has refused to do even that.


All we need to know is… did trump give any aid or comfort to a hostile foreign powet. If so then Article 3 section 3 of the Constitution comes into play.


More projection, if there’s nothin sketchy in there then they shouldn’t have any worry about it being used for “partisan political purposes”. But that’s something they would do, they know they have to stonewall.

What are they hiding?

“Well, I am not [an agent for a hostile foreign power].” If only Tricky Dicky had had Fox “News” back then, after 24 hours every R in the country would not only have believed it, they would have been outraged at any suggestion otherwise. And all of the Hannitys, Limbaughs, Ingrahams, Pirros, etc. of the time would have furiously demanded that he destroy the tapes [once that came out] prior to or even after they were subpoenaed. Poor Dick was just POTUS at the wrong time…thank goodness.


… No foreign leader would engage in private conversations with the President, or the President’s senior advisors, if such conversations were subject to public disclosure (or disclosure to committees of Congress).

I’m pretty sure foreign leaders aren’t researching which conversations with The Puppet are “subject to public disclosure (or disclosure to committees of Congress).”


This is a great time to cut back on executive power, and Republicans should be totally on board.

They tried to do it in Wisconsin.

Everyone knows McCain is the better man.

By far, bone spurs. Show us the x-ray.

Death to the Vichy Democrats and their corporate Running Dogs who sit with their corporate fingers up their corporate asses! Declare the Socialist Republic NOW! Or get out of the way and let the Greens and the Independents who run for president as Democrats every 4 years run the show!

Maybe, just maybe, the prez should never have one on one meetings with foreign leaders (friend or foe). An interpretor and a National Security person may help to ensure that topics of discussion are ‘documented’ to avoid a “that’s not what I said” issue. Besides, considering how much Don lies… I am not sure what any foreign leader can take away from a meeting with him.

And, it is possible that Donald has signed a NDA with himself, that precludes revealing the content of any conversation … or he will have to fork over, to himself, his net worth (which speculatively is $80 Trillion… or $8.76).

FDR had many conversations with Churchill where no one else was present.

Supposedly, on one occasion when Churchill was staying at the White House, FDR rolled into his bedroom just as Churchill was emerging from his bath. Roosevelt started to back away and apologized, but Churchill said, “Nonsense. The British Prime Minister has nothing to hide from the American President.” That must have been reported by one of the two men, because no one else was there.

The practices created and accepted during Donald’s reign has destroyed the White House and the Presidency as institutions.

This together with Brexit may well be the start of the end of the Anglo-Saxon era.

Pardon. I was unaware of the details.