Discussion: WH Official On Graham-Cassidy: 'We Really Aren't Sure What the Impact Will Be'

From the statement that had the support of Medicaid directors from ALL 50 states:

How these block grants will be utilized, what programs they may fund, and the overall impact they will have on state budgets, operations, and citizens are all uncertain. Taken together, the per-capita caps and the envisioned block grant would constitute the largest intergovernmental transfer of financial risk from the federal government to the states in our country’s history. …

Incredible that this is what’s now on the table.



History has never been one of their strong points.

Come to think of it, not much is, except lying and pedophilia


It seems to me the closer the connection to Trump and Russia gets the louder he starts to bark at North Korea. He really needs to understand that doesn’t matter how loud he parks his toddler brouhaha with North Korea or all of a sudden making a bunch annoys about getting involved with policy, it will not stop the investigation. So Donald rattle your sabers are you want this investigation will go on and we will find out about you and your Russia connections.

Graham,Cassidy,Heller,Johnson et.al. don’t know either.

Small quibble: should be “Democratic and Republican House members.” Not “Democrat and Republican House members.” Saying “Democrat House members” is like intentionally mispronouncing someone’s last name, because you don’t like them or want to demean them.


An unnamed source. He or she should be named.

and… This is a typical example of Republicans governing

Criminelly, can it get any more surreal? Really??

Kafka as comedy?


Who cares who packed the parachute, just jump, it’ll all be good, the fall won’t kill you, it’s the stop


Is Bernie really going to debate “Butch” Graham and Cassidy?

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In a stunning admission, a White House official told Politico, “We really aren’t sure what the impact will be” of Senate Republicans’ latest effort to repeal and replace Obamacare. The official further stated on behalf of the President that the Russians have been good to us, and we feel comfortable playing with this pistol they gave us for a game of roulette.

The results will be beautiful. Trust me. Wait and see.


In a stunning admission, a White House official told Politico, “We really aren’t sure whether that is our ass or a hole in the ground."


Is Bernie really going to debate “Butch” Graham and Cassidy?

Isn’t Hillary available? Oh, that’s right, she’s busy, on the Victimhood Tour.

The Russia Trump investigation must be getting closer to home, because there’s a lot of noise out there you know policy his involvement rattling his saber at north Korea. Don’t worry Donald will get all the facts on you and Russia . In the meantime the world is a much safer place with toddler Trump locked in his nursery under lock and key would someone please drag the nuisance home and put them away find a way to dismiss him as the president because he is the worst in our country is his . He is unstable he’s unfit with the Republicans please do something about your big baby Donald Trump wig tired of dealing with his temper tantrum’s.

I thought is was “Butch” Cassidy, and Graham was his Sundance Kid.


With the NAMD coming out against it this morning, I have a feeling this bill is going down in flames. Not as badly as it should, but I’m betting that at least 1 Senator is going to want to survive re-election and has the wherewithal to see that not only are they screwing everyone with a deeply unpopular measure, but doing so with 47 warnings, no CBO score, no floor debate or committee hearings; is just writing Democrat’s talking points for the next couple of election cycles for them…

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I had forgotten how criminally stupid this woman was. Thanks, I guess, for the reminder. :joy_cat:

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Gee swell!Now ,millions of Americans will have there own version of the "repeal of the Dream Act .cruel, heartless legislation that serves to denigrate and punish people living ordinary lives.THE level of misguided,imperious calculation InThis monstrosity is frightening even for GOP cretins who stain our country simply because they can.

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I don’t know. Lindsey seems more like Miss Kitty in “Gunsmoke” to me.



Bernie will just regurgitate—for the umpteen-thousandth time—the same tired swill he’s been pushing for 30 years, with nothing to show for it.