Discussion: WH Official On Graham-Cassidy: 'We Really Aren't Sure What the Impact Will Be'


Okay, it’s Friday afternoon here in Germany and I really didn’t intend to start the weekend with a goose-egg on my head from falling off my chair, laughing hysterically.

Criminelly, can it get any more surreal? Really??


They don’t care what the effect will be—good or ill.

They care only that Trump gets to sign some legislation so he can claim a “win” when ranting to his ill-educated and ill-informed base.


That’s the only word. The best, best word. (Well, it’s not the only word. There are a lot of very, very bad words. Bigly.)

But “surreal” is the most descriptive.


We don’t know and, frankly my dear, we don’t give a damn.



Everything else comes second.


Exactly…and THAT’S why we are advocating you wait until it’s been SCORED. It may not be the whole truth but it’s MORE of the truth than Ms. Lindsay and Graham have been spewing. I love Kimmel last night…‘no I’m not an expert but I LISTEN to the majority of experts that think this bill sucks!’ That’s more than can be said for Congress and/or the WH.


Endeavoring to tarnish and undue “anything Obama” takes precedence over the health care of Americans in Trump World.


Well, if you’re not sure, let the CBO score it and tell you.


This wouldn’t be the first time a republican congress has passed something without knowing what the consequences will be.

Who remembers ‘Hoot-Smalley’?

I can’t resist after seeing this clip. Michele, SMOOT-HAWLEY was signed in 1930 by PRESIDENT HERBERT HOOVER. Not Roosevelt. FDR wasn’t president until 1932, campaigning AGAINST the act because he knew the damage it was doing and would still do. Even HOOVER knew it but signed the bill anyway because he didn’t have the balls to buck his own party.


We need to refer to this as the Graham-Cassidy-Satan bill.


They know what the impact will be. They are just lying, as usual.


I called three senators - Collins, Capito, and Murkaski – was able to leave a message for each asking them to vote no – might go no where but sometimes noise from afar helps. if you have a moment please give them a call - numbers are 202-224-6472, 202-224-6665, 202-224-2523. Thx


Great video and recollection, but to witness Bachmann the nitwit once again is to suffer more than I can bear.

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I lived for three years in Minnesota. I don’t want to say Bachmann’s brand of witless horseshit is prevalent in the Gopher State – that’s it’s honest-to-God nickname – but I heard this kind of nonsense from farmfucks all the time. God only knows where they get it.


This is an irresponsible response to effecting 1/6 of the economy and a loss of insurance by 32 million people by 2026

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The quote needs to be recited time and time again:

In a stunning admission, a White House official told Politico, “We really aren’t sure what the impact will be” of Senate Republicans’ latest effort to repeal and replace Obamacare.

This is what the WH fights for tooth and nail, what Trump is ridiculing Rand Paul for being against, what the administration is threatening Murkowski over - and what will effect 1/6 of the economy.

Hey Trumpioid addicts - he doesn’t give a damn about you.


I wrote Ted Cruz, he sent me back about how he made a promise to nullify Obama Care. And intended to keep his promise to the American People.
I said so you promised to destroy the lives of millions and you feel honored bound to keep that promise?


Again, they could use the FY 2018 budget reconciliation for Obamacare repeal and tax cuts, but they’re insisting on passing something they don’t understand in the coming week because we just gotta do it.

@jtx He sure as hell isn’t honor bound to the American people, or else he’d demand the end of Kobach’s voter suppression circus and the creation of an independent commission into outside interference in our elections. (I also recall him taking a principled stand against disaster relief until it was his state that needed cash.)


Roosevelt won in '32. Took office in March '33.

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