Discussion: WH: ‘Nothing To Say’ About Giuliani Reveal That Trump Repaid Cohen $130K

I have decided that if I am ever brought up on legal charges and I cannot hire Michael Avenatti to represent me in court, I am going to represent myself for fear of ending up with an attorney like the ones that work for Donald Trump.


Since Dr. Ronny left they can’t play Candyland.


We all know there’s not really such a thing as quicksand, but you know how you supposedly sink faster if you struggle? He’s struggling and sinking. Or say it’s like barbed wire. All he’s doing is hurting himself with every effort to escape.


When 2008 was filled with “President Guliani” speculation, I always remembered my college NYC friends’ assessment of Mayor G: “He’s an idiot bully who beats up on the poor and just wants to attend Yankee games.”

Yesterday’s buffoonery does nothing to dent that assessment.


You’re right – perhaps I need to go back to my original moniker for her: Huckster-Slanders. :wink:


If there was any purpose behind Giuliani’s comment is might have been to stop Stormy’s new defamation suit in its tracks. Trump can now claim the 5th Amendment in that civil suit and ask for a stay tell the 12th of never like Cohen did in the underlying suit. I have the impression that Trump is more afraid of Stormy than he is of Mueller.

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I’m not totally following you on how Giuliani sees this as helping but it seems clear they typically address problems by seizing on one answer that addresses what looks like the main aspect of it without ever thinking a few moves ahead to see if it creates more problems in the broader context. It’s like a problem-solution feedback loop.


Hmmmmm…these tweets sound like they were lifted from an essay written by Flood when he applied for the job.

Ain’t no way Current Occupant* formulated these sentences – they are actually grammatically correct and without typos. Clearly ghostwritten.

*George Will over at WaPo refered this morning to Spanky as the “Temporary President” – pointing out, of course, that ALL presidents are temporary. But, it gave me a momentary good feeling of “yes, this too shall pass”…


I’ve listened to many legal experts hash this out, especially those versed in campaign finance law. They all wonder why in the hell Rudy thinks because the funds didn’t come directly from Trump’s campaign coffers somehow this expenditure by Cohen and repayment by Trump is not a violation of the law. If I gave Daniels $130k out of my bank acount a week before an election, to shut her up and avoid damaging the campaign, then obviously the money didn’t come from Trump’s goddamn campaign funds. It came from me. Nevertheless it was most assuredly given to assist the campaign. By shutting up Daniels. And $130k is a helluva lot more than the permitted $2700.

Rudy. Idjit.


Excellent summation.


Before Giuliani’s comments Trump’s position was he didn’t know about the Cohen payment. He would have a hard time being convicted of a campaign violation he didn’t know about. Last week Cohen talked the judge in the California case into a stay until his criminal exposure was resolved. Stormy then filed a defamation suit against Trump alone. The idea was to find a forum where Trump could be deposed. Trump couldn’t stop that suit moving forward by claiming he had potential criminal exposure . and needed a stay until that underlying crime allegation was sorted out. Giuliani’s apparently dumb ass comments on Hannity allows Trump to say he knew about and participated in the settlement. Oh, the special prosecutor might be investigating aspects of that deal for campaign violations. I get to a stay so I can’t be deposed until the DOJ clears me.

I don’t know but these dumb fuckers remind me more of the old cartoon Pinky and the Brain than anything else.


I’m juggling several things this morning so I may still have it wrong, but you think they may have deliberately exposed Trump to criminal charges such as campaign finance violations just to keep from having to be deposed in the Stormy suit? Oh my dear Lord. Note to self: Do not hire Giuliani as personal lawyer.


I’d have to guess this is part of his strategy for bringing the investigation to a halt within 2-3 weeks of getting on board. (Lightbulb flashes above grinning death’s head: I’ll get the Stormy Daniels thing out of the way with one of my killer moves! Genius!)

And there’s probably a huge power struggle going on inside the legal team, so he sees a kill-two-birds stroke in seizing the spotlight.

Very, very rational.


Of course there’s such a thing as quicksand, silly boy!

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Not even Sarah HuckSan will touch this one… she sent a minion.


I think, he killed the client’s defence, too ?

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probably consulting with the lawyers or crafting more eye shadow.

And he even dresses better than Sarah, but I miss the smokey eyes.


“What I can tell you in this instance is, it is ongoing (litigation), we have nothing to say about it. The President has outside counsel and that’s who I’d have to refer you to.”

On this evidence, we’d have to conclude that J. Hogan Gidley is a hell of a lot smarter than Trump.


They remind me of it, too, and I’ve never even seen it.