Discussion: WH Looking At Legal Options To Bar Omarosa From Releasing More Tapes

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This whole thing is being presented as “This has never happened before”… assuming that what has been printed is true, no one is searched before entering the situation room. Therefore, I have a difficult time believing that this is the first time anyone has recorded what is said. It may be the first time recordings have ever been played for reporters.


So much for public servant…

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“She’s on a different level,” a senior White House official told ABC News. “She terrified me.”

I think what terrifies y’all now isn’t her. It’s the possibility of what Trump and other senior WH staff might be heard actually saying on the tapes.


Well, Kelly threatened her with legal problems if she talked, and she’s talking anyway. She’s very like the boss, isn’t she? No restraints at all when the id kicks in. This is what happens when you don’t care about character or competence. All Trump wants is loyalty and he doesn’t even get that. Pathetic. #toomuchwinning


Did she have clearance to be in on conversations touching on security? Then she won’t have tapes of those. Other conversations should be free from any risk of security breech.
Now…if the WH allowed a person into conversations for which the person did not have clearance, that’s something different.
They still don’t understand the job they are pretending to do.


Did she have what now?


And if they had found a way to get her clearance…

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Ok, you have a creep that secretly taped other creeps because they creeped her out.

Seems like another day at this WH, just now lordy there are tapes.


Just one more day and one more week in the House of Chaos.

It is clear no one is in charge and our only hope is that no one will redefine what ‘rogue’ means.


But Hillary’s emails…


I will bet that Omarosa is really enjoying this. They don’t know who or what she recorded and everyone who interacted with her or just said things in her presence has to be trying to remember their conversations. She will continue to release recordings until the release of her book and the whole WH staff will be hiding under their desks, hoping they won’t get caught up in the next shitstorm.


Right on cue … Part deaux…


As a layperson in all this, I think they’re handling this all wrong. Based on internet comments on the right and the left, no one likes Omarosa and see her as an opportunist backstabber or a lying sellout. The WH could have just thanked her for her service and just brushed off the things she said or are saying in this book. Instead, theyre drawing more attention to it, which makes people like me ( who cant stand Omarosa) wonder what else is going on in the trump WH. The WH could be appearing to take the high road here and just let all this die down but are instead ramping it up. Whomever is advising them to go this route needs to be fired.


That would require a White House not occupied by Trump, but by someone at least somewhat close to “normal” and “rational.” Trump. Cannot. Let. Anything. Go.


It’s a SCIF. Anyone with any security training knows ZERO electronics are allowed in a SCIF.


ABC News: "Katrina Pierson, a former Trump campaign spokeswoman, said Manigault Newman is embarrassing herself by “creating salacious lies and distortions.”

Katrina Pierson has a lot of credibility when talking about “embarassing herself” and “lies and distortions”.


I’d love to see them try to enforce one of their precious NDA’s. I can’t imagine one of those surviving a court challenge for more than about 12 seconds. A public employee can’t be party to any private side contracts re: the conditions of his or her employment.


She should release all of them before restraining orders come out.

She’s using them as a tool for extortion though, so she won’t.

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I would think that security training would also include “Never run a SCIF on the honor system” Next we’re going to find out that Ted Nugent was in the Sit Room and was concealed-carrying.