Looks just like you, though…
Trump: “we going to shutdow and rebuild the internet. An internet so yuge, that even an impressed Putin will be taking notes.”
Hmmmm… 2020 electoral map?
Trump’s Hair is what you get when you piss into a Cotton Candy Machine set on HIGH.
It’s been mentioned by most, on either this forum or off it, that his victory lap doesn’t mean that the fight’s over.
Now he doesn’t see it that way and because of that, im left wondering ‘what would Charlie Martel do?’.
I’d suggest taking with about a ton of salt.
I wasn’t clear enough… I meant the sea of Red on the electoral college map in 2016 vs. the pure blue wave coming in 2020…
Prayer, more like it.
Short answer (I gotta fill a candy jar): that Moodys analytical that has him at 290+ is pure garbage. That said, it’s again ‘unknown face’ vs. ‘fatass heel’ and the only good is that the face is still winning.
What does a map showing ISIS months before he took office have to do with reality?
As usual, 100% is yet another lie.
Over two hours after the announcement the Pentagon had not commented.
The CNN team on the ground in eastern Syria said Friday that it continues to see airstrikes and hear heavy gunfire.
“There has been gunfire coming out of the ISIS positions, which are, admittedly, a very small piece of territory on the edge of a hill outside the eastern end of this town of Baghouz,”
“Combing continues in the Baghouz camp,” an SDF media official said, citing commanders of the operation on Thursday, after the Syrian Kurdish news outlet Hawar reported that the entire enclave had been captured and IS defeated.
“There is no truth (to the report of) the complete liberation of the village,” the official said.
Trump also said 400 troops to remain. WSJ said 17 March it is 1000 troops.
Who to believe?
You can believe whatever you want to believe. Both numbers could be true, from a certain point of view.
Could be 400 combat troops, with 600 support troops. And a few thousand contractor mercenaries that nobody discusses at all anyway.
Could be that the support may be pulled over the Iraqi border and be quick reaction forces and medevacs.
Many options, all to give the President the illusion that he’s calling the shots here and the Pentagon is going along with his commands.
Al Queda never had territory, just Saudi financing…
…and next month when it turns out we missed a few, it’s Obama’s fault.
You redraw the map with it on Israel’s side of the border.
Territory Swiper, no territory swiping!!!
Hell, maybe even a whole pillar of salt.
Isn’t Moody’s the barrell of buffoons that once downgraded the rating of US Treasuries? They have the predictive value of my dog lifting his leg.
Territory, maybe. ISIS, don’t think so.
!00%, never been done before…ever!