Discussion: WH Deflects On Cohen Testimony Questions: 'You Admitted That You Lied!'

A serial liar who lies in service to her serial liar boss complains that Michael Cohen lied while lying in service to his serial liar boss who is the same serial liar boss as her serial liar boss.


Apologies to David Bowie…and Detroit.

Since Trump, and Trumptards, don’t admit to telling lies there are no lies being told.
Everyone says so.

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So was there a shot of KAC yelling and waving her arms while yelling “Hey don’t look at the shitshow over here, look at the shitshow over there!”

KAC KAC… sorry, I’ve been ill (since 2016) and can’t get rid of this cough.

Haven’t heard from good ol’ KAC in a while. You know the shit must have hit the fan now that she’s out blasting the nation with lies again.

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Is anyone else getting the feeling that the timing of Cohen’s testimony was perfectly stage managed? I mean I’m sure that Cohen had surgery, and Trump mean tweeted and threatened him, but to have these few days of Cohen testifying while Trump is out of the country is perfection.
This KAC thingy is because Trump has to have a small cadre of people defending him, and now that small cadre of defenders are split on two continents and how many time zones.

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Ya, you (WH) sort of have to try to knock the wind out of Cohen’s testimony. Because it indicates how bad things might get for your boy and his associates do the road a litle further:

Huh? this is a piss poor strategy …

WH Deflects On Cohen Testimony Questions: ‘You Admitted That You Lied!’

to which Cohen will say & has said - " Yes - & All I did - I did at Trump’s direction for Trump’s benefit … and was compensated by Trump to do so"

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Kellyanne, they are not lies they were “alternate facts”. GOP and Trumpster’s mark this date Feb. 27, 2019 on your calendar as the official beginning of the end of the incompetent, ignorant, and intolerant Trump con and outlaw era. How embarrassing you could be so stunningly naive, gullible, ignorant, profoundly xenophobic or racially intolerant to fall for the obvious 3rd rate cons of life long common flimflam artist and grifter. Shame on your utter stupidity.

How many DEMONSTRABLE lies do we have to endure from this mob…the Obama birth certificate lie should have been enough for most …the blind spot persists through more than 8000 additional verifiable lies.

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I thought admitting to one’s sins was a virtue in christianity land?

“Remember too that I think the President’s statement yesterday is instructive,” she said. “If the last time you’ve been before this body you admitted that you lied, then people are going, people are going to know that and see that. Look, I think it’s a human tragedy whenever somebody goes to jail,"
she continued
“And when I say human tragedy, I don’t mean those kids in detainment camps obviously. But as I strongly stated, lying is bad.”
And as she uttered these words, a chasm opened up in the chamber wherein she sat - waves of sulpher and sparks from the depth of hell shot upward and two leathery daemons crawled out - prostrating themselves before her, they cried “Oh Daemon Queen, thou hast surpassed thyself. We honor your evil.” And then they gave her a goblet of the blood of virgins to sup, to keep her mortal mask in place one more year.

There are no lies, KellyAnne ConJob. They’re alternative facts. It just so happens that Cohen’s alternative facts may be more truthy than the WH’s alternative facts.

Saying Cohen lied assumes no one else did or has…sez the alternative facts queen…whose husband called trump a sociopath this morning…Kelly you got bigger problems…

The ability to lie is the better part of the reason Trump hires anyone. Right, Kellyanne Liar?

Unless someone has beaten me to the punch, ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you…the female Rudy Giuliani.

My question to Kellyanne is; how many times has Trump lied to you about payments to Stormy D. That is you have previously gone on the national TV and said Trump did not make the payments and you knew this because Trump told you. So given that Trump has lied directly to you, how can you believe anything Donald Trump tells you? How can you continue to work for Trump and go on TV and continue to spout what you are told from a man who often lies to you?

Exactly: the whole problem with the “he admitted lying before, so he’s not credible now” defense is that it reflects right back on the most prominent serial liar in US history: why is anything he says, or his team says on his behalf, credible now or ever in the future?

I thought they had buried this corpse in the WH basement. How long did it take to dig her our?