Discussion: WH Blames Eagles For 'Political Stunt' Even Though Trump Cancelled Visit

Why doesn’t he just invite the Russian hockey team and be done with it? I’m sure he’s got their flag laying around somewhere and it’s not as if conservatives would notice the difference.


Sadly, there’s a lot of support for Trump in parts of Bucks County…



Eagles management knows how many sent RSVP’s and they will be happy to share that #.


I think HIPAA precludes that.

Maybe, but they’ll be happy to provide a decent guesstimate

Does trump hate anyone or team in baseball ?
How about Tennis or horse racing.
Oh I know GOLF.
I was just wondering where we go from here,
It definitely won’t be up the character ladder

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Real patriots don’t need to stand for the flag or anthem.

They defend what the flag and anthem stands for.


…and Sarah thinks she retains credibility…

Less support for Trump now. If it’s a choice between an Eagles Super Bowl Championship team and Trump, guess which way Eagles fan will go.

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Least surprising moment of the event today:

Trump unable to remember words to "God Bless America" at replacement event he commissioned to prove his patriotism: https://t.co/LrMPaCEnen pic.twitter.com/oCcWMX9g39

— Deadspin (@Deadspin) June 5, 2018


If George Orwell were alive today, he would have to be physically restrained to prevent him from trying to strangle SHS with a typewriter ribbon.

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Lies, lies and more lies. Will it ever stop?

This creature disgraces the presidency and our country every day in every way.

Will it ever stop?

One more time…Dickwad Donnie doesn’t even know the words to the National Anthem. That’s how phony this whole manufactured thing is that he’s whipped up. The jackass hasn’t even bothered to learn the words to it in his 71 years on this planet. So fuck him. He doesn’t understand the first thing about patriotism. You can’t order someone to be patriotic. It doesn’t work like that. What’s amazing to me is that this American so-called Pr*sident still doesn’t get that. The truth is those players are probably more patriotic than he’ll ever be.

The real issue here is he’s a race-baiter from way back. That’s never gonna change with him. He’s a bigot and the reality is, he’s proud of it. Its time people quit making excuses for him and trying to dress up his prejudices as anything but what it really is. He’s a hater. Its black people in this case. Sometimes its brown people, sometimes its Muslims. Sometimes its women, Sometimes its gay people. He’s just a spiteful, hate-filled, vile person. Nothing even remotely sensitive about him towards other human beings, either. He is irresponsible and detestable. There are no two sides to this story. Just him being a jackass once again.

Sick, sick, sick.


She Kim Jong-un said later: “If this wasn’t a political stunt by the Eagles franchise Trump administration, then they wouldn’t have planned to attend the event summit and then backed out at the last minute."



Yup - remember this gem from last year’s CPAC conference? A couple of tricksters were handing them out and nobody noticed for quite a while:


The WH is replacing the visit with a “celebration of the American flag,” but it’s the Eagles who are pulling a political stunt? Maybe for this “celebration” they can dig up the kind of fans who would have thrown batteries at Curt Flood so they don’t have to shell out too much for party pumpers.

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See what they made him do.

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If only it had taken a chunk of his toupee.