Discussion for article #223518
The Republicans will withhold their collective opinion until they find out how President Obama feels about this issue. Then it will become official - Not What He Said.
Talk about your basic Darwin award contestants.
Holy Shit. What to say about this…This couple met online, soon after wed, and travelled to Afghanistan as adventure seekers, and they thought being kind to others would be returned in kind, even in a war zone…Do I have that about right from this article? They didn’t accidentally wander into Afghanistan…They went there as what, “unofficial ambassadors of North America”? And we’re supposed to put them in the same category as Sgt. Bergdahl? This kind of shit just boggles the mind.
I’m not saying these folks aren’t deserving of some effort to get them released but shit…Maybe their families need to hire some private mercenaries like they used to do all the time in S. America when military juntas and/or rebels would kidnap Americans for ransom. I don’t know…
How many movies have been made on that one theme?..Too many I suspect. These folks should have stayed home and watched those movies first. Entering a war zone as a civilian by yourselves is never a good idea. Even NGOs and journalists are at risk in those situations. The difference is, they know the risks and try to have some additional contacts when things go awry.
®s say:
“He’s got a beard. F^ck’em.”
Maybe we can get them back so on their next trip they can go to North Korea with a bag of bibles.
They were “traveling” in Afghanistan? What? In a war zone? I’m sorry that’s just weird, and more than just a little dangerous. I’m not saying they deserved to be held, but it can’t be stated enough, it’s a war zone.
They seemed to have missed the State Department travel warning. These folks needed to have it spelled out for them…NO HONEYMOONING IN A WAR ZONE. Not sure that would have helped.