Discussion: 'We're Getting Out': Trump Announces Withdrawal From Paris Climate Accord

Georgia and South Carolina peach crops devastated because there were not enough cold days this winter. Thanks Trump.


Every day Trump makes a move that damages our country and the world. This one is, of course, the worst. In his spite and jealousy of President Obama we are barreling towards ruin. As an American my shame in this truthless, ignorant, corrupt con man can’t get worse.


Perfect response, even if it is Chuck “From My Cold Dead Fingers” Heston.

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Yeah, a new transaction: We’ll call it the Mar a Lago accord, and it will be beautiful, much more beautiful than the Paris accord.


I repeat. I hate that man.


Orange Leader has made yet another promise … albeit one any sane American voter can hold him and the GOTP to :wink:

Trump is too stupid to understand that these kinds of harmful moves makes President Obama look better.


“We’re getting out of the Paris thing, which was too French, and starting a new show in its place, Let’s Make a Deal, hosted by Chuck Woolery and filmed on location in Syria.”


Syria is a real growth opportunity.


And thus the rest of the world will pick up the slack, the US will fall behind, and Latin America and Asia will become the new #1’s in the world. Kind of about time the US was knocked out of the top spot anyway. Too bad too many people have to suffer because privileged idiots with no business sense like the Kochs failed to invest in green energy when the time was ripe.

I’m just glad Wonder Woman is coming out tomorrow, because we all need a ray of sunshine


Donald Trump is now responsible for the our children demise. Profit is more important then the earth we live in .I guess donald thinks his coal mining corporation friends are more important then American clean air and water.
It’s time to hit harder on town halls and condemn this sorry son of a bitch all over the country. I hope republican voters learn real soon that your party never did give a shit about you and never will.
Mr Obama we need you to come out and help us unit our party as of now so that we can destroy the republican party in November of 2018.


Donnie didn’t do enough, not Ivanka. He didn’t secure “droite du seignor” in Jarevanka’s pre-nup :stuck_out_tongue:

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“So we’re getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can make a deal that’s fair,” he continued. “And if we can, that’s great. And if we can’t, that’s fine.”

Deal? It’s not a “deal”, you orange asshole. It’s not about how well you and your cronies can do.

And that last sentence shows how you really feel.

I wonder how much of this move is based on his desire to jab a finger in the eye of everyone in this country who hates him. He’s certainly got plenty of RWNJs telling him to do it for other (equally stupid/wrong/greedy) reasons, but I bet he’s feeling just fine right now, getting back at all the leakers, losers, and fake news believers who detest him.

Trump has not indicated he plans to donate any more to the fund, and his proposed budget would slash funding to other global efforts to combat climate change, and research and preservation efforts stateside.

And this says it all about how hard he’ll try to get a better “deal”.


I hope there are marches this weekend.


Im pretty sure that will be the case too. The whole world knows that this sack of shit is just bat shit crazy.


this speech is the most insane, most ignorant and incompetent thing I’ve ever heard.

he asks when the rest of the world will start laughing at us. if they hadn’t already, this speech will do it.

I mean, wow. His rust belt voters are FUCKED. EU and China gonna hand us our asses.


What this doofus says is “America First” is really “America Last.”


This is something that will be hard to explain to my kids.


Exactly. If it’s the worst possible option, it’s a safe bet that that’s the one that Trump will pick. He is all about destroying, not building.