Discussion: Wendy Davis Welcomed To Los Angeles With 'Abortion Barbie' Posters

Discussion for article #223070

Sabo strikes again. The mighty midget is good@slime.

Stay classy, conservaturds.

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While Erickson and Abbott revel in their cleverness, the Planned Parenthood clinics continue to close in South Texas, where I live. These clinics are one of the few places here where poor young women can receive low priced reproductive care services. And Abbott, the Texas Lege, and creeps like Erickson only think of abortion, abortion, abortion. Not because they care; because it sells to the base.


ABORTIONGHAZI!!! If these right wing knuckle draggers need proof why abortion should be legal, they simply have to look in a mirror.


Is it any wonder women aren’t running for office in droves? If you’re a woman who wants to serve your country, this is what you can expect. Very, very sad, particularly when the men behind this type of dirty politics most likely have women in their lives – sisters, wives, daughters. What does this teach them about their value to society?


Well, if she’s Barbie, does that make Abbott Ken? He does come across as a dickless stiff, so it should work.


Wendy Davis doesn’t try to tell a woman what to do if she becomes pregnant. She, rightly, leaves it up to her and, in some cases, her doctor.

We’re free to speak, we’re free to worship as we want, we’re free to have guns…

but, to those who would loudly scream about freedom and rights, women are apparently not free when it comes to a decision about their own bodies.

Some men, including Texans, scream bloody murder if their penis-extenders are in danger (in their own little haids). “My rights!!!” OMG. It’s ridiculous.

I’d bet that not a few will probably vote for her, because they they have to look at what they’re chained to, and a man can dream.

After all, this child-bearing business is not their problem.

These posters are bullcrap. She’s a smart, tough woman. Smarter and tougher than the current governor.


All together now! 1… 2… 3…


I’ve got cats that are smarter than Governor Oops. They’re cuter, too.


Tonight on Hannity: Hollywood’s False Flag operation in aid of Liberal Wendy Davis. Will it backfire? Plus, Pat Sajak exposes the secret racism behind magnets.


Um, cats are by definition smarter than any Governor, or any human. It’s a given. Cuter by definition also, too.

Note that the “fetus” she is holding under the scissors is black. That’s certainly no accident - the one inside her is white, the one outside is black in keeping with their ridiculous attempts to characterize abortion rights supporters as “racist” because it’s really all about eugenics and killing black babies.


Seems to me that it would be in Mattel’s best interest to issue a cease and desist order. This is completely vile and cannot be good for their brand. In fact, I think a tweet or two to Mattel is in order.


Don’t mean to be crass. Well, yeah I do…But these people can suck my big black dick.


“It seems that Greg Abbott can’t let a week go by without showing how out of touch he is with women,” Davis campaign spokesman Zac Petkanas told the Huffington Post. “This is just another in a long line of offensive actions and comments by Greg Abbott in an attempt to demean Wendy Davis.”

Ugh. Davis has already handed the win to Abbott just by giving up ground like this.

You never respond to stupid conservative critics or fuel their message. You put them back on their heels by taking an axe-handle to them. And by never letting up on the offensive.

The “opponent is being mean to me” defense strategy has NEVER worked.

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“…I have helped define Wendy Davis…”

Republican politicians think they have a God-given right to do that. The truth is, in order to do that, someone with a sick mind has to be behind it. They thought this up, probably on our dime. This obscene affront to every good conservative girl in the 50’s and 60’s – and a lot of little girls today – becomes an ugly construction for them to tack to your legacy?

What’s objectionable, Erick, is that you’re NOT defining her.

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  1. Find out who did it.
  2. Notify Mattel’s lawyers
  3. Sue
  4. ???
  5. Profit!

They mocked, punished, tortured and killed Jesus too.

Obviously Ms. Davis scared the carp out of Republicants and their tea brewer cohorts.


“Wendy Davis Welcomed To Los Angeles With ‘Abortion Barbie’ Posters.”

When Greg Abbot stops gleefully scurrying to execute more prisoners than China and Iran combined, I’ll be happy to consider his “pro-life” bona fides.

Until then, he can choke on his anti-choice hypocrisy.