Donnie “Defendant” Drumpf: The American Bar Association jobs creator of the century!
Have i missed something or is the complete absence of Roger Nosox from recent Tramp Family fiascos’ and news reports cause for some general curiosity?
Can’t wait for the discovery.
They oughtta put his picture on the cover of their next “100 Pointers for Business Development” book.
And, while visiting that site, I learned this
Just the gift that keeps on shitting.
Him be very angry!
Dammit, lay off Roger Stone … the man’s disfigured. He reportedly has a Dick on his back.
They filed in D.C, which means odds are very good the lawsuit will proceed.
And the discovery is going to be stunning. My guess/hope is that this is going to turn into a MAJOR issue for the “outside legal team”, as Huckabee’s daughter loves to refer to them as she basically presents the WH pleading the 5th. And the internal WH as well. The entire concept of an “external” legal team and an “internal” team is already collapsing. The issues this lawsuit will raise pretty much ensures that collapse will be complete, and at the worst possible time.
Great find - thanks for sharing!
My money came out Brite, not just white!