Discussion: Watchdog: Colin Powell And Condi Rice Had Classified Info On Personal Emails, Too

Gee. It’s almost as if the IC is hell bent on retroactively over-classifying things when they go to archive things for future FOIA requests, and it has nothing to do with what all of the Sectrtaries of State did at the time in the email era.

Funny that.


I bet they all have, since they first started using e-mail. I think we would all be amazed at all the things The GOP scream about that are actually normal,and routine.


Huh? You want this to involve Sanders somehow? Like those darn Bernie’s kids must be on Hillary’s lawn or something? Go troll on NewsMax.

The rules for classified information are really weird. If you and I discuss something about drones or nuclear weapons or possible troop movements, that’s fine. If someone with clearance says precisely the same words, that’s a security violation.


Except she didn’t (nor did Powell or Rice) based on anything we know to date.


When the email kerfuffle fades away, Clinton’s enemies will still have "she’s too loud’, her voice is “grating”, “she shouts”, “she needs to have a more masculine style of delivery”, and it’s a terrible commentary on how women pols are treated in the 21st century.


You forgot poor people. Being poor is absolute proof of irresponsibility and law breaking since those are the only know causes of poverty (and you thought is was just a state of “not having money”). The choices and actions of poor people must be constantly scrutinized by their betters.


Be advised, the House has yet to address the John Brennan matter (even though that info is now being featured on Wiki-leaks), but “any day now”


Including you if you forward an email of a NYT article about drones. See it’s classified when Hillary Clinton forwards that article, but not so when anyone in the world with an internet connection reads that article.



That’s what gets me about now: petraeus and profumo got off lightly, but Chelsea Manning is at last check serving her sentence at Leavenworth.


Republican Motto:

#Bbbbbbbuuuttt…It’s OK when WE do it!

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Shiny object over here!!
Ignore those Rice/Powell emails!!


Nope. That might be true except that it isn’t.


Of course that’s the standard way to treat “sexual harassment”; use the term to hide the facts and inflate the anger; because anything a man says or does with a woman is rape if she says so. Why, he should feel lucky he was only fired!

Hope you’ve been reading Nancy LeTourneau’s commentary at WashingtonMonthly. She’s doing a spectacular job running the website over there. You’ll like her take on what is expected of Hillary and most women in American society.


Keep up!

Berns was complaining all about Hillary’s emails just two days ago.

Yet never once said boo, about these two! Then again he wasn’t running against them for the dem nomination!

This reminds me of that one time a Republican administration ignored a memo that Al-Qaeda was determined to attack the U.S. on a massive scale and got a free pass when they did, and then a Democratic administration went after and the killed A-Qaeda figurehead that was responsible for it and got shit on.


Why do Democrats always insist on playing the race card?


So, when will Hannity start calling for their indictments?

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Correct, but this can’t be closed out until State turns over the last 7,000 pages of Hillary’s emails for review. That was supposed to happen last week, but the storm delayed it until the end of February. So this will be in the news until then. I suspect no problems, but as long as their is an investigation, this will be in the news.

Remember the actual issue is that HRC was using her own non-approved private server. Rice and Powell did not have their own private servers. While not illegal, it was dumb to do without approval, and that’s why there is an investigation.

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