Discussion: WATCH: Trump's Voter Fraud Commission Meets For Second Time

I feel confident that I am speaking for most of us when I say this:

Fuck Bill Gardner. Fuck him deep.

What a self-important fool he is. Also, there should be a bag of dicks campaign with respect to this commission. Send them.

"Public comments may also be submitted via mail. Please address public comments to: Mr. Ron Williams, Policy Advisor, Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, 1650 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB), Rm. 268, Washington, D.C. 20504."


@sniffit , I salute you.

Can we have the equivalent of Press Pool coverage so only one of us needs to take the anti-emetic?

“Ain’t Me Babe”


Hope all of these dirty fucking traitors die. They and ALL of their families should pay in eternity.

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Ha…drink your ipecac a like it!


You gonna pay for my Anger Management classes? For a new Monitor?

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If you need something better to watch try the porn video Cruz liked he he he

Apparently on 9/11 he like to watch a different tower cumming down.


Cheers to religion!

I’m guessing the meeting was at the unicorn pen of the National Zoo?

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Suddenly, this becomes much more plausible…

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“Trump’s Fraud Voter Commission Meets For Second Time.”



Or watch this instead


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For all the howling about ‘voter fraud,’ you’d think the commission would meet more often. :anguished:

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Yikes now I really need to bleach my brain


I’ve always felt the folks most vocal against premarital sex, homosexuality, etc. are fighting their inner urges.

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Or some more important things to ponder…hey you’re not alone…


When you saw your first hot dog, did you wish you’d gotten a different part of the dog?

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Or this is worth watching as usual

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Zwei madchen, ein furhor?

Jebus one news reader admits to make obscene calls, and I got a feeling although he was trying to make it sound fake it was probably real.

He blames a staff’s member er I mean staff member… Wonder how he’ll punish that stiff member…er I mean staff member…isn’t he the head of his staff…ha ha ha .

Edit: A couple more
You can see from Ted’s twitter account he’s a master debater and from his quick excuse a cunning linguist.

It’s a slippery subject when your staff member starts liking porn.

Yep cops always do the right thing, never encourage violence, but ok since he thought he was posting to a personal page. See It’s not just folks in the south.