Discussion: WATCH: Trump Dons Glasses, Reads The NYT And Proves His Hair Is Real

Discussion for article #239857

Looks like the woman doing the hair inspection is Nikky Haley.

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How many people showed up?

Newest T-Rump craze…PullMyHair. Wait for other Wannabes to adopt that behavior.

I 'm gonna miss that ‘PullMyFinger’ funny.

And he was once again referring to Ramos as a screaming, shouting, raving lunatic. Trump then simultaneously claimed that he, himself, was perfectly calm during the whole altercation, but of course the media decided to paint him as the bad guy and ignore the rest of his amazing speech (“THE BEST SPEECH I’VE EVER GIVEN!”).

Now the Donald is insulting balding men and people with vision problems.


“Somebody’s got a very nice wife.”

:neutral_face: He’s trollin’ his a$$ off, but I approve in this instance.

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Cheap, the act’s getting as thin as the hair in question, another shiny ball must join in the juggle. ShowBiz Donald should know this…maybe that’s why he teased a surprise from Senator Cruz, the 2nd Senator in Camp Trump along with Jeff Sessions.

Bible schmible, Trump didn’t sit listening to Norman Vincent Peale all those years for nothing…

It’s always too early to quit.
–Norman Vincent Peale

Same shtick, really. She pulled his hair and gas came out of his orifice. It just was an orifice above the neckline.


Horseshit, Trumpster. You were the condescending, racist ass in that little incident. Own it.

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Amazed by Heilemann’s inept Bible questioning, should have come at it sideways for a full Palin but still gets a half Palin for Donald’s weak 'all of ‘em Katie’ answer.

It’d be surprising if a man in his Sixties didn’t need at least reading glasses, and the woman who touched the thing but forgot to reveal the bald scalp underneath? Little does Harumph know she’s in a loving relationship with another woman she calls her wife.

Absurd Combover. He’s got a receding hairline and is (what else?) vain about it.

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Il Douche… Primadonaldo. Trumpolini!


Well, we know he had underwent hair plug treatments. That was what kicked off the big fight and resulting rape of his first wife, he was upset over how they were going.


I saw just a bit of that rambling and disjointed collection of brainfarts by The Donald. Like Mussolini, Trump is going to PERSONALLY build VA hospitals, big walls, roads and bridges, negotiate with all foreign powers, run the military campaign against ISIS… Run the government like his personal business! And his mouth will run on time…and it will continue to be YOOOOOOGE’!

Il Duce Trump will save us!
BTW: In the name of Godwin, I must relate a remark I overheard a dinner last evening. During a discussion of Trump and the US military, one elderly gentleman sitting at the table behind us asked another fellow at the table, “You know what the biggest difference between Trump and Hitler is?” His friend, obviously irritated at the question, growled, “No. Do enlighten us.” The other guy said, “Hitler was a real veteran.”
~coffee out the nose!~


Check the plugs. Eeyech! Dude is comically fugly. Is that the hair he supposedly beat his ex-wife over when he freaked out that the surgery didn’t go as planned? Now that I’d believe over a bullshit email narrative about Hillary.

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Cruz Holds Press Conference - Asks Random Audience Plant to Pull His Chest Hair.

And Lindsey, sitting at only 4% in the SC polls, could only look on in horror at the Trump juggernaut and cry, “Yankees…Yankees in South Carolina!!!”


It’s not the hair on his head that I care about, it’s the lack of a brain in his head that worries me.

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