Discussion for article #241684
What if no one gives a f^ck?
(Thanks Obama!)
EDIT: Oh. And Ken? You’re still going to jail.
I am completed distracted and can’t remember the felony charges against the Texas Attorney General.
Followed by an encore. That old favorite: “I Didn’t Know the Gun Was Loaded”.
So, let me get this straight.
Paxton posted this picture himself of his deranged wife up on the dais seranading (sic) what appears to be a room that only contains 2 people?
He thought this was a good idea because…?
Next up in our series, “Amateur musicians who double as Obama doubters or vice versa” we have the famous Skoalrebel doing his shall we say highly individualistic version of “Smoke on the Water.” This is a real thing, in case you’re wondering.
We talk about our feelings and make dioramas while my husband sues Obama
This pitifully bland, mewling performance by a Dementor in an A line made me feel as if all happiness had gone from the world…
If I had to guess I’d say it was in the interests of domestic tranquility. Sometimes people have significant others who imagine themselves to be better singers, guitar players, social satirists etc. than they maybe in fact actually are. You can humor them or you can try to gently make them see the truth. Neither path is an easy one.
Reports that Hank Williams Jr is reaching out to her to do a duet, “Fuck That N****r In The White House For Freedom Go America”, are unconfirmed at this time.
Well gooooolly, I sure hope she plays “Fingerburns from My Meth Pipe” for the encore…that song’s smokin’…
Paxton needed to accompany her on a calliope. That would give it just the amount of gravitas it needs.
She’s the musical version of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Or you can do what my Irish grampa used to do: grandma was a talker and would get going real good when we’d come to visit and eventually we’d hear the high pitch whine of him adjusting his hearing aids way down…then back to his crossword puzzle…haha
November 22, 1963
“…according to the Houston Chronicle, the state has sued the Obama Administration more than 30 times as of July.”
I wonder if the Houston Chronicle has documented just how much those 30 lawsuits have cost the people of Texas?
How do you quick draw your pistol while pushing a wheelchair?
OMG…we really really need to save the south from pharmies…
She may need a job after he gets sent to prison.
And that all depends on who he cheated. Texas has a very personal justice system.
That is perhaps the easiest riff in rock n roll…and this moron still gets it wrong.
And his guitar is out of tune to boot.
Just really, really sad.
She forgot the line at the end though…
“My husband sues Obama…and loses every time!”