Discussion for article #243474
George Wallace with a yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge bank account.
Golden ----
The one redeeming feature of this article is that it reminds me that I don’t find SNL funny.
What SNL got wrong is that Mel is not allowed to talk talk in The Presence. If I wanted to watch something dumb, I would’ve watched it live. Thanks TPM
I find nothing funny about Donald Trump,even little skits like this give him free air time.IMO.
With the tons of free material that The Donnie throws out this is the best SNL can do?
O Yawn. SNL jumped the shark a decade ago.
Other than the trendy SNL bashing (and because they’re not funny). This guy does a horrible Trump impression and every sentence is so obvious, unoriginal and not even close to funny.
They need to step up their game, quite a bit.
SNL has not been funny in forever, and the thing that’s surprising is that no one there seems to realize it or be able to fix it.
Dear SNL,
You are not funny!
I like the “whites” of his eyes, makeup.