Discussion for article #224576
Grifters gotta grift. And froth.
I hope it gets wide distribution and tons of media coverage to remind Dems of this awful case and how much further Republicans want to take it.
Cool! A real underdog story about how one privately held corporation, promoted by radical pro-corporate interests, manipulated religious fervor and rank partisanship to get away with denying basic healthcare access to their employees, all while promoting themselves as the true defenders of liberty.
It’s just like the ‘Hunger Games’ in reverse. Audiences are going to eat this up!
Perhaps a more interesting doc would be about a homophobic Pennsylvania Senator named Rick Santorum who got thrown out of office once the electorate discovered his bogus ‘charities’ were actually a way of funneling money to his buddies and family. Just the kind of ‘religion’ the right wingers love. . . . . . .
Starring in the Main Role:
Foster Friess as Grampy Grumblepants.
IMDb tagline, synopsis submission, and parental guide still pending, though the latter is most likely rated “J” for juvenile.
The entire movie is centered around Grampy Grumblepants uttering,
“…this contraceptive thing, my gosh, it’s so – it’s such – inexpensive, you know, back in my days, they used Bayer Aspirin for contraception. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.”
Its just so quaint…Like “Pleasantville” without the color.
To wit, I predict the entire audience will prompty walk out of the theatre and declare this massive failure by Producer Santorum and his neverending campaign for President of the US finally ended…or as he’s likely to put it “permanently suspended”…because…JEEZUZ told him so.
As the late, great Bill Hicks used to ponder - what would Jesus think about all the crosses? Like showing solidarity with Jackie by wearing rifle lapel pins.
OMG…I made up that whole IMDb shit and then went to check it out…
Hah…I was correct There’s literally nothing there other than the title, the storyline and the director’s name, even while its supposedly in post-production. Sounds like the making of a royal flop.
How funny is it when parody becomes reality, or visa versa?
Rick Santorum’s wife had an abortion. They can call it what they want but she did abort a baby by inducing labor when all the Dr’s said the baby would die if she did (or didnt). Of course they also said she would die if they didnt induce. Square that one Ricky.
I’ll bet Santorum’s movie crushes Sarah Palin’s “The Undefeated”, which I believe was the only movie ever rated 0% on rottentomatoes.com. Good luck Rick.
It occurs to me that The Hobby Lobby ruling will actually increase the number of abortions. That’s what limiting women’s access to birth control does. So much for their Christian beliefs about the sanctity of life.
Did she put the fetus in a jar like Barbara Bush did and show it to her kids? That shit was whack.
You don’t want to know. Trust me on this.
Hopefully they can use that Enya song with a long tracking shot to underscore the Fight for Religious Freedom™ in a nationalist-socialist country like America.
As long as they’re minority babies, it’s okay.
Preach to your whacky choir!
Typical. Major SCOTUS decision that negatively affects millions of Americans and what do the “Conservative” Think Tanks do?
Fund-Raise off of it.
Grifters one and all.
A wonderful opportunity for a progressive film maker to trace hobby lobby’s merchandise back to their chinese factories and to reveal the working conditions and birth control policies imposed on the workers.
Plus the hobby lobby investment portfolio.
Was that the dead fetus he brought home so the family could pet it and pray over it?
Access to abortion has been shrinking for a long time, and if I was more paranoid than I am currently I would think this Hobby Lobby decision was part of a vast right-wing conspiracy against women who don’t want unplanned pregnancies.