Too bad for our ol’ buddy, and grifter extraordinaire, Jon Ritzheimer that he’s warming a spot at the gray bar hotel or he could attend the Trump “charitable” ~snicker~ event for The Wounded Warriors and pretend to be taking donations for his organization: The Ritzheimer Minutemen Foundation. He could go all ‘crybaby’ and stuff while walking around with his Foundation bucket fleecing those patriotic droolers!
Josh made several observations in his article Trumph of the Will that turned phrases on their heads to demonstrate Trump’s reality (“Trump doesn’t kiss babies. Babies kiss Trump.”)
I’d like to turn another of his phrases on its head: “Trump doesn’t make trouble. Trouble makes Trump.” The O’Reilly interview just shows what so many of us have been pointing out for so long. When you stir up petulance, don’t be surprised when you get a big baby.
“You owe me. Because I bought you so many, so many vanilla milkshakes. I bought you so many vanilla milkshakes, you owe me.”
The “no spin zone” comes in flavors now.
OT: But…couldn’t help but laugh when Ben Carson’s spokesman a moment ago on MSNBC made this statement: “Our campaign is reenergized. Dr. Carson is energized and feeding off the energy of the enthusiastic crowds that are showing up to support him. Their energy is fueling this campaign…” And he went on to mention “energy” in one form or another several more times.
I almost did a full spit take! The Donald has really gotten into the sleepy heads of Carson’s so-over-train wreck.
Stick to your guns trump!
I love, love seeing fox on the ropes!
He’s so used to doing the “reaction shot” from being on TV he doesn’t remember there is anything else. Watch him listen to someone else ( yea if you can find that footage) and he exaggerates shifting from one non-plussed look to another, as if the red light were always on.
I wonder what Trump’s supporters would do or say if Obama acted this way? I think their heads would explode. They would say that this “angry black man” was threatening poor Megyn.
Did O’Reilly try a roofie?
To think that this is the best the GOP can do really tells you something about what they think of voters.
JEB will fix it.
Two pathetic humans, arguing about nothing. vomit
Yea really, why does O’Reilly give a shit if Trump shows or not? Trumps followers won’t like him any less if he doesn’t show, probably more, and people that don’t like Trump won’t be swayed to like him because of his debating. Does O’Reilly really not like Trump and hopes some how more people might see what an ass he is or hope he says something so stupid that might somehow turn his followers away? I really think he just wanting Fox to get the good ratings they get whenever Trump appears so he can brag on Fox some more.
if anyone has read the rude pundits take on this Bs between Kelly and trump then yall can say yeah that makes sense she wouldn’t bend over for trump no matter how much ailes pays her and trump is all pissy about it
Wow. It’s like watching the Wicked With of the West plead with Dorothy not to throw a bucket of water at her…but In this case, I’m not really sure who’s who!
I love it when two fatuous egomaniacs compete for supremacy. Hilarity always ensues. Bill O’Reilly giving lessons in Christianity to The Donald cracks me up.