Discussion: WATCH LIVE: White House Press Briefing At 1 PM ET

WATCH LIVE: White House Press Briefing At 1 PM ET

No. Just no.

You are missing Bolton lying about protecting us against Russian meddling


Election meddling a top priority HAHAHAHA


Dang! I just got a robocall offering me a free Colonoscopy if I came within thirty minutes.

Why do I always get an outstanding offer like this just as Sister Sarah is preparing to lie to me?

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Just use your free Obama care one, more time for prep

John Bolton looks like a grumpy old man but he sounds reasonable when he speaks even if some of his ideas are out of whack.

I already know he is lying (He’s talking, right?), so I am not really missing anything.

even if some of his ideas are out of whack Really do you think so???

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homeland security chick always sounds as if she is about to be ticked off at the press corps.

Kinda like the head cheerleader being forced to be “nice” to the class nerds.


Just out of curiosity (I’m watching at a bar, eating - the TV is muted), did any of the participants mention Russia explicitly?


Yeah I just said so. I guess I get so used to Donald or Sarah spouting not only dumb ideas but in such a rambling way. The stuff Bolton said was fairly reasonable and just spoken in a coherent way. That that just seemed like such a contrast to Sarah and Donald and to the way Bolton looks and what I usually read about what he talks about doing.

They probably haven’t seen as robust meddling by Russians currently because they got Trump in and Trump was asking for it.

Yeah they have all pretty much acknowledged Russia did stuff in 2016 and to a lesser extent now for the 2018 coming up.

Christ, why even bother?

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Learned the “word of the week” today


from Kristjen Neilsen head of DHS
Still working out what the word means.
I don’t speak “federalese”.


This is unbelievable from a presidential aide. She’s got a whole diatribe presenting the media as criminals.


Jim Acosta (I think) tried to make SHS say that she didn’t think the media was the enemy of the people. Her response was a litany of things she says the “media” has said about her.

Some of it sounded very doubtful. Has a reported called for her to be choked?

She also talked about the Correspondent’s dinner where “you brought in a comedian to make fun of my appearance and call me a traitor to my gender.”

Sensitive much?

ETA: She also appeared to be reading this from notes. So…she was just aching to launch into the press.


I’ll do the full transcription now and get it over with.

Here it is:

Blah blah blah yall. Jesus done did another miracle today.

That’s completely ridiculous.

Gotta keep it short to get to everyone.

Since you are apparently too stupid to understand even letters of the alphabet, I will spell it out for you ONE MORE TIME in my most exasperated and insulting voice.

Here’s the part where I answer a question by reading off the script written in crayon by the Real Donald J Trump.

No, you may not ask a second follow up question.

You in the back, here’s your chance to ask a really pro-Trump question to signal that I can’t handle it anymore and that the press briefing is over.

Have a good day yall.


Why would you ask a question to an empty podium after she’s walked away, knowing she doesn’t like answering even when she’s standing there?

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