Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Trump To Address Value Voters Summit At 3:30 PM ET

Sorry, the cat needs washing, and my sock drawer needs organizing…

Or my cat needs organizing and my socks need washing.

Either way, much better things to do than watch the Drumpfster Fire spew, again…


Oh, thank G-d michbach, the canine whisperer is on board, that ought to bring the dogs home.

I watched a few minutes and it’s nauseating. Trump is claiming to be the one to allow parents to home school their kids - as if this isn’t possible now. What’s a bit frightening is he (to court the evangelicals) promises to overturn the law which prevents churches which are tax exempt from financing and endorsing candidates from the pulpit.

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He’s going to slay the Johnson amendment so that religious people can finally vote.


Did his third wife address the gathered crowd on the sanctity of Christian marriage?

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And even on this he apparently felt compelled to lie. He told his evangelical audience that the Johnson amendment prevents preachers from talking about Christianity, discussing religion and using their pulpit to promote politial candidates. The first two items are patently false. If not, every church in the country would have lost their tax exemption long ago (perhaps an outcome to be devoutly wished for) and we could only hope that the third prohibition were truly enforced as it would remove tax exemptions from most of the clerics in his audience at VVF.

[quote=“marby, post:4, topic:43230, full:true”]
I watched a few minutes and it’s nauseating. [/quote]

I couldn’t watch this either. I heard a few words as I walked by the TV and I just cannot stomach “Pious Trump” pretending to be religious. As I recall, a reason he cited early on for being constantly audited was that maybe it was because he is a Christian. Add persecution complex to his long list of personality disorders.

What also struck me as I caught a bit of the audio while working in the next room, is that when he delivers his most hateful lines, these evangelicals burst into loud applause. What hypocrisy in the name of God! Right back to the God, guns, and gays issues they hold dear.

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DId he ask um to pray for him again? Poor stupid thumpers dont even know there being worked over…

I overdosed on media stupidity this week and it is only friday. I am not only speaking of Matt the Moron Lauer, he is a world class level incompetent pretend journalist, make him stop. I shall list a couple others.

  1. Putin never called Trump brilliant intellectually he said bright in the sense of Liberace. Even though you are too big of punks to challenge Trump at least clarify in your writing.

  2. There is no equivalency between Trump and anything the Democrats or Hillary has ever done or will ever do so just drop it.

  3. Andrea Mitchell is incapable of interviewing anybody anymore she must just be taken off the air. She asks stupid questions and the respondents do not even have the courtesy to keep their response even related to the questions she asks. Worse Andrea doesn’t give a shit what they say.

  4. Someone from the press needs to tell Paul Ryan he was elected to Congressional seat in fucking Wisconsin, a fucking Congressional seat, tell him to stop with the “Bold” agenda bullshit as if he was elected President, he is only elected one notch above taxicab commission’s, Only a fucked up idea in the constitution put him in a position to possibly ever have power…

I am relaxed now if I avoid watch Chuckie Todd I shall be fine.

I do want to rant about the repukes use of the word Bold, they have latched onto it probably from Frank Luntz work product. If we are not careful they will Bold us to death with Bold ideas. Bold equals fucked