Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Trump, Pence Campaign In Michigan At 11 PM ET

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“Star Spangled Banner” as a rock guitar solo! Nobody ever thought of doing that before you FUCKFACE LOSER.

Say it, don’t spray it, you rabid weasel.

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OK…who played it Matty?

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Earlier today trump named that reporter again (Tor is her name??) and some slopehead yelled “assassinate the bitch!” That’s the quality of people trump attracts.


The Nuuuuuuuuge.

Katy Tur. About 98 pounds of sheer guts, intelligence and class.


Tap dancing Jeebus!


I hope she has police protection.
And she gets the name of the n00b who yelled at her so she could sue his ass into next week.


The state of the trump campaign:


During one of those incidents the Secret Service walked her to her car. I imagine most of the time there’s security for the press pen at the end of the night. I hope you’ve seen some of the images from the Philadelphia Clinton rally! Just an absolute sea of people spreading out from Independence Hall. Didn’t hurt to have Springsteen I guess but there was a lot of star power concentrated there. These are my peeps and WE’RE WITH HER!


I bet HO never generated a crowd like what I saw on CNN. That was i.m.p.r.e.s.s.i.v.e.

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I hafta call it a night.
Had MD types crawling around in my colon at midday (with sedation) and no solid food since Saturday evening… I’m beat. But no worries. It was preventative stuff.
The game plan for tomorrow is up early. fix coffee and then get in line to vote!! I plan to be at my polling place by 6:30 AM when they open for business. Saw em setting up shop this afternoon.


I do hope that …err… pee pot was er…clean


Chinchilla-Head is still chasing that unicorn in Michigan…what a dope.

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Ego stroking is a terrible addiction.


Just saw an ad for 3 local GOPers claiming to tout solar energy… 3 for the current GOP majority who six months ago voted they saw no future in solar…in Arizona where we have 300+ days a year if sunshine.


Did mine via absentee weeks ago, but California’s role as usual is to rubber-stamp the Democratic victory.

Other than that, we have the usual circus show of ridiculous, bullshit ballot initiatives filed by big-moneyed interests who then proceed to have wars with other moneyed interests featuring phalanxes of bland, unimaginative TV commercials dropped hither and yon like cow patties.

My game plan is to get up a few hours earlier than usual (I work nights mostly), secure some Election Vittles, and watch the magic happen. One of my non-voting, non-political coworkers is staying over a couple of hours so I can come in after the smoke clears.


My impression is that Arizona has little to no fossil fuel industry…so why should Arizona politicians possibly reject solar power?

Has nobody told them that they can EXPORT the excess, and actually get paid for it?

The trump inner circle about 9 PM Eastern time tomorrow
top step…Newt
bottom The Jersey whale


Proposition 13 was probably one of the few well-intentioned conservative ideas, but in practice of course it didn’t fix much but rather just shifted the burden elsewhere.

Speaking of California…since we don’t have enough to do in this election season because our votes are largely taken for granted, we said what the hell and dispatched our army of Inspectors Javert to harass the citizenry:

Some days, I hate my state. :expressionless: