“He respects immensely the carpenter, the plumber, the bricklayer…” You mean the ones he screws over, Rudy?
If ever there were someone who needed lip surgery, Rudy is that someone.
Senator Sessions sounds drunk. Seriously. And not because he is backing Donald Trump, but because he is slurring his speech. Of course, he’s well know for slurring, but this time it’s in a “too many gin and tonics” kind of way.
I thought so, as well. He was drawing out his words way more than usual.
God, Rudy is all over the place – but all he talk about is what he’s done in his own career and how bad Hillary is, the current DOJ is, etc., … but nothing about what HO is planning to DO for America.
Rudy calling Clinton Foundation a “phony charity.” Okay, bro.
Those hundreds of millions of dollars they’re raking in! (You know… to give to the poor.)
I swear, he is getting sexually excited up there.
“Firewall” Rudy.
These fuckers are ruining it for charities. The Clinton Foundation is one of the better-rated organizations out there.
He’s also trying to trash Obama’s legacy by claiming the DOJ has given Hillary a pass many times. Rudy, if there were a hell, you most certainly would go there.
China, Russia, Iran, Al Queda, ISIS – Hillary was in cahoots with them??? – Man, Rudy, someone oughtta take your ass out … to the woodshed and beat you to (near) death. (Metaphor, folks)
He thinks he can delay his political death (in a single speech) by being both for the harshest immigration policy ever devised that includes forced round-ups and deportations, but in a “very humane way” in which no family members will be left behind and all will be blindfolded so as not to see the suffering.
Rudy, the MOB apologist is claiming the Clintons are criminals. Alternate Universe, folks.
Also, dude, Bill made all that money as a PRIVATE citizen. Fuck you!!
Use your imagination.
At least we don’t get daily Cruz updates anymore.