Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Trump Expected To Speak About Charlottesville From White House

He did not call it an act of terror which it was. As I have said in other threads, it is too late. Hallie Jackson noted that while he called out the hate groups, he did not call it a terrorist attack.

Would’ve been a perfect time to announce the firing of the racists/white supremacists in the WH but nope. The statement was forced on him.


I am really, really hoping for an epic Mueller karma-storm, really, really soon…


Well supporters, I’m not sure he considers anyone a friend, just people after his own demented dried up heart.


Oh, FAR too late. His base knows this was something he had to say for all the cucks, but won’t follow it up with any action that need concern them.


Bannon is MELTING!!!


He is so fat it won’t take long.

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Did someone throw a bucket of water on him, a la the Wicked Witch of the West?


Too bad his comments about the Merck CEO are sucking the hot air out of the room. Moron.


Holy fuck

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Trump being forced to give that speech is something Bannon probably promised the rabid right would never happen… I’d bet they put the word out to all the crazies to ignore this statement, that Trump had to make it, but he’s still “one of them.”


His base knows that they aren’t really integrated into the country at large (they’ll always be fringe) hence the reason so many are fighting against the White supremacists. But so long as Rump can give them cover, they don’t care.

They want the support of ANY leader who’s willing to give it even if their “rebranding” is now officially dead.

This has got Kelly’s fingerprints on it.


Too little, too late. We already know he thinks there are “many sides” to this argument. Sure, Nazi sympathizers and bigots some in many colors; white, off-white, pearl white…


I personally can’t WAIT to see his approval ratings in about two weeks - it’ll take that long for all this to become part of the narrative.

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gotta wonder, can FBI asgents in swat gear swarm the White House like they did Manafort’s house? Oh, the schadenfreude!!!

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What do we want? Impeachment!

When do we want it? 6 months ago…


I’ll take it tomorrow. The sooner, the better.

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…that was the REAL Donald Trump in a typical reactionary tweet, this speech was FAKE Donald Trump pretending he’s president.

His tweets are always honest, and vile, his speeches are pure deception.


It did not escape me that he told us why he was in Washington DC -a meeting about trade. He was not there to speak about Charlottesville but was forced to do so.


that makes sense, sorta… one would think the mass might take longer, but if you are referring to body fat percentage, it makes perfect sense…

No one wants to clean up THAT mess…

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and at the same time with the same brain they consider themselves the unrespected majority…