He did not call it an act of terror which it was. As I have said in other threads, it is too late. Hallie Jackson noted that while he called out the hate groups, he did not call it a terrorist attack.
Would’ve been a perfect time to announce the firing of the racists/white supremacists in the WH but nope. The statement was forced on him.
Trump being forced to give that speech is something Bannon probably promised the rabid right would never happen… I’d bet they put the word out to all the crazies to ignore this statement, that Trump had to make it, but he’s still “one of them.”
His base knows that they aren’t really integrated into the country at large (they’ll always be fringe) hence the reason so many are fighting against the White supremacists. But so long as Rump can give them cover, they don’t care.
They want the support of ANY leader who’s willing to give it even if their “rebranding” is now officially dead.
Too little, too late. We already know he thinks there are “many sides” to this argument. Sure, Nazi sympathizers and bigots some in many colors; white, off-white, pearl white…
It did not escape me that he told us why he was in Washington DC -a meeting about trade. He was not there to speak about Charlottesville but was forced to do so.