Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Trump Discusses School Choice In Cleveland At 2 PM ET

It is just such a short sighted thing, now if he said he wanted congress to increase taxes to increase the funding to already existing programs that help schools that need federal funding that would be the start of a actual policy but of course that’s to much for Little drumph.


How many times has this orange nimrod gone to speak in Cleveland? He goes to probably the most Democratic city in the entire state of Ohio. I don’t get it. He could say he was going to devote 20 gazillion dollars to charter schools and education, no one in Cleveland or its burbs is listening to this flaming nincompoop. Unless Ken Blackwell’s Republican successor has a new plan to suppress the votes in Ohio, I don’t see how anyone there is buying his shit or helps him win the state. Of course, Jon Husted has a reputation all his own as SoS when it comes to suppressing the minority vote in the state, especially in Cuyahoga County…so, if this is all part of an elaborate plan, I’m not seeing it.

It’s easy to understand. Its easier to fly in and out of Cleveland.


I guess. It allows him to be back home in time for Wheel of Fortune at Trump Tower and before the sun sets.