So, anyone taking odds on whether he stays on script?
No? Nobody? I thought not…
So far it seems chained to the prompters…and is very stilted and boring.
“You do it all for God and Country”…then he gave what I have always thought of as the black power fist wave. Tiny fist.
My bet?
More airing of grievances and most likely not a single mention of U.S. sailors whose lives were lost.
He just said the new VA hotline was a hard piece of legislation to get passed…really?
Old angry conservative White man inspires same.
I swear he’s reading the teleprompter as if he’s never seen the script.
So who showed up? The ranting, raving off-the-cuff lunatic or the low energy teleprompter guy who reads like a six-year-old?
Has he told anyone to stay off his lawn yet?
So far…the later.
So someone shot him with a tranquilizer dart this morning?
Maybe he is too exhausted after his adrenaline overload last night.
Donnie is going to get jealous…he just brought a medal award winner on stage and he got a bigger hand than donnie.
Unfortunately…the guy said trump was wonderful and was draining the swamp. ARGH!!!
Oh look…he’s showing the specials on today’s menu.
When President Donald Trump remarked that “some very fine people” were among the white supremacists who provoked chaos and violence in Charlottesville the second weekend of August, he set off outrage across the political spectrum. According to multiple law enforcement leaders and security experts I’ve spoken with, Trump’s response to a neo-Nazi’s lethal car attack on a crowd of protesters in the Virginia college town also poured fuel on a long-simmering threat of far-right violence in America.
Does Trump consitute a “common law public nuisance”?
Well…he’s very common and he’s a nuisance.
In the UK, IIRC, one can be arrested and detained on the broad charge of “creating a nuisance”. This covers any number of antisocial or lewd public disturbances.
So… unhinged spittle-flecked rant in 24-36 hours.
He’s wretchedly predictable. If any of our adversaries is planning on levying war against the United States, you can bet they’ll time it as such. Might as well be Yom Kippur.
Speaking of spewing spittle. They keep replaying the clip of donnie from last night that shows him saying “formenting” instead of “fomenting”…and no one says anything.
It is like nails on a chalkboard for me.