This is not my better self speaking, and I don’t mean to diminish the sadness of today’s gathering in Dallas. However, I just watched President Obama graciously guide Ted Cruz into a presidential vehicle. What a striking contrast between grandiosity and true, dignified leadership. I also hope Ted was thinking to himself, “The blah guy achieved more than I ever will.”
Edit: I’m feeling bad that I went immediately to politics in my comment. Let’s hope that this ceremony and the speeches bring some kind of comfort and ideas to move forward to a better society.
I guess I missed Obama’s speeches at the deaths of the 3 black men murdered by the police this week, and the 100s of black men the police have murdered this year and in recent years?
Just the other day, police heads were complaining to Obama that they didn’t think he “showed enough concern” about police deaths.
Everyone wants a piece of him, just to shred between their teeth to make their political points.
Watch this:
It’s a measure of how prevalent gun violence has become, that President Obama has presided over more memorials like this than any other President, but that, as you point out, he’s barely scratched the surface.
Concern Troll Alert… but we all knew that
The speech is scheduled for around 2 p.m. ET. Watch his speech live below via NBC News:
At 2:01PM Fox News will commence lambasting Obama's remarks as insufficient and divisive.
So you’re proposing the President personally attend and make a speech at hundreds of funerals per year?
Jesus Christ, dude.
dang did Pres Obama already speak? just tuned in and it’s cornyn and W,
He’ll be speaking after Bush.
oh cool. cheers
no offense to anyone but i hope somebody posts here when it’s his turn. i can’t stomach listening to Bush
It’s truly unfortunate the President has to visit Texas. Or for anyone else to have to visit Texas for that matter.
OK, he’s on.
Well, to be fair, I’ve driven through the panhandle a few times and, to it’s credit, it does have the Leaning Water Tower of Britten
As well as the biggest cross in the world in Groom, TX.
Why this display of architectural legerdemain, you may ask? Who the fuck knows?
Well, the Big Texan Steak Ranch is something special…
Edit: I’m feeling bad that I went immediately to politics in my comment. Let’s hope that this ceremony and the speeches bring some kind of comfort and ideas to move forward to a better society.
I’m with you but I’m a lot more cynical than you too I think. I watched too many of these interdenominational gatherings to believe this will make one iota of difference when it comes to changing the violence in our society related to guns. Maybe it will have a cummulative effect eventually. So far, I haven’t seen it…and it breaks my heart that there are people so callous in our country, so willing to ignore the problem, so willing to turn a blind eye, and all because of a bunch of special interest lobbyists who control what we do in this regard and the politicians that can make it happen. I’m sick of watching these things as if this makes it all better and ok…until the next time…probably in a week or two, or maybe even tomorrow. And yeah, I went there in terms of the politics of the thing. But its not up to Obama. Its up to all of us, white, black, asian, gay, male, female, native, immigrant and so on… These deaths have got to be reduced. Full Stop. Our lack of doing anything about these fucking guns in the hands of crazed individuals is literally killing us.
That’s the America I know
Brought tears to my eyes…
No matter what the issue, President Obama is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.