Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Clinton To Discuss Trump's Temperament At Rally At 1:45 PM ET

CNN has Hillary on now
Wingnuts will go crazy She is wearing a coat in Flordia

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And its probably to cover a vest.


CNN and of course Fox are as well. Not even split screens, eitherā€¦putting Hillary in a tiny box with no sound or even text. So they can really give Trump that ā€œDominantā€ visual he so craves.

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And which one looks more presidential?

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Did you ever see Primary Colors? When he is giving the speech in New Hampshire and the guy they are trying to get on board to run their campaign is standing there and listening?

ā€œHe lost themā€

ā€œFuckā€™em. (S)Heā€™s got meā€

Thatā€™s where I am at :wink:


I might quibble over the mounter and mounteeā€¦

Los Angeles tourists have been defacing presidential candidate Donald Trumpā€™s Hollywood Walk of Fame star. The star has been damaged with urine, spit, dog feces and swastikas


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You know the fortune cookie game where you add ā€œbetween the sheetsā€ to your fortune?

Iā€™m looking forward to the time when we can take a HO quote and add ā€œand you lost to herā€.

Because there will always be ample opportunities to remind HO thatā€™s heā€™s nothing but a LOSER who lost to a girl!

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Hillary the smart, humane Hawkā€¦

And they accuse Hillary for ā€œhiding.ā€


Momā€™s pissed about gun violenceā€¦


this mom is, too!


The networks are ā€˜somethingā€™s gonna happenā€™ addicts and thatā€™s why they are stuck. It, thankfully, is how more and more people are noticing how utterly broken the media is today. Trump exposure, now, is not a ā€˜favorā€™ whether or not the networks know it.

I doubt if thatā€™s actually the case outside the junkie world. :angry:


Someone had built a wall around Donaldā€™s star at one point. It may be gone now, but how deliciously apropos . . . .


Very possibly true but thatā€™s also assuming people are actually watching and then actually believing.
From my exposure to ā€˜peopleā€™ today they are less informed than ever and, as ever, wear that tissue of headlines as a cloak of weak-kneed knowledge. Gentle conversation with the sane ones can bear fast fruitā€¦



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It such a bizarre thing to go after her for. Sheā€™s on the campaign trail, sheā€™s giving multiple speeches per day, and talking to voters and staff constantly. Have you ever talked that much during one day? Try doing it every day for six months! You voice would be hoarse, your throat would be soar and youā€™d likely have a bit of a cough.

Or maybe itā€™s completely unrelated and she has a cold. Who gives a shit!

Instead they reverse engineer it into a crazy conspiracy theory. "Clinton has cough -> coughing is a side effect of certain thyroid medications -> certain thyroid conditions can lead to sudden heart failure -> CLINTON IS GOING TO DIE OF SUDDEN HEART FAILURE! OMG!!1!1!


Iā€™ve been really down today with all the examples of the Media basically throwing this election for Trump. It just kills me that thereā€™s no accountability, no way to just Slap the Talking Heads and tell them to ā€œsnap out of itā€. There is no doubt in my mind that if Trump wins itā€™s because the Media shaped the narrative in favor of him. Iā€™m just honestly disgusted :weary:

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Look at Nate Silverā€™s site. At the rate this is going (one percentage point per day since 14 August 2016), Trump will be leading by the first debate. That is the MSMā€™s first gift. The second one is the Chris Wallace Shuffleā€¦in which the MSM debate moderators allow Trumpā€™s lies to become ā€œtruthā€.

As the MSM is doing right now.

I have been reading this siteā€™s commentary (posters, articles and Joshā€™s essays) for a few weeks and have seen little that anyone can do about the MSM.

Prepare for more. There is no force (other than some phone calls from Oligarchs) which will reverse what the MSM is doing. Twas this way for some time (the MSM and Oligarchs). What had initially given me hope about the MSM at least giving the Democrats a chance was the fact that I had initially believed that the Oligarchs would achieve more stability and growth under the Democrats than Trump.

Apparently that is not the case. By the way, what the MSM is now doing contradicts an excellent article by Ezra Klein, whichā€“among other thingsā€“pointed out that the MSM was afraid of Trump.

That is not the case. The MSM, rather, IS Trump